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I know this is pre-season but we need to win this one


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Starting Saturday redskins need to send a message to opponents. That if you come to FedEx field walking out of here a winner is going to be tough thing to do. That was always an important part of the Redskins Identity at RFK and I think we need to reestablish that as soon as possible. As much as I would like to see us win every game we must start winning these home games first. As fans we need to do our part and make this a miserable place for other teams to come also. I know I will do my part w;)

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I do believe that we, as fans, need to make FedEx much louder than it has been in the past. We haven't put the fear of the "home field advantage" into the minds of our opponents and I truly believe it will be different this year. However, I will look for Gibbs to make sure the team is running smoothly, to work out the kinks, and to get some playing time for the non-starters. An injury-free game (with glimpses of brilliance for the near future) is what we should hope to expect. A win would be great too but don't think it's as urgent as the regular season. RFK was rocking back in the day with Gibbs and we all know about his pre-season record.

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Have you ever heard the saying you play like you practice. If you practice like losers you will play like losers. We will end up with a team that says oh well we did our best. If the Jansen injury proved one thing it is that injuries are not the result of playing hard they can happen at any time to anyone even if not in the play. We do not have to play our starters all game to have a winning attitude.

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As much as i'd like to see us win this upcoming game it truly doesnt matter. I agree that we need to re-establish ourselves as a winning home team but in truth, the pre-season is a chance for players to get a little practice and for rookies and scrubs to show that they are worthy of a roster spot. When the season starts, then worry about wins and losses, until then, forget about it.

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Winning attitude is important. Healthy players, not giving regular season opponents anything to game plan with, etc. are all more important, but winning is important.

This is preseason is different than most under Gibbs because the Skins have had a losing attitude for so long. I think they will do everything they can to win this game (without sacrificing the regular season of course), so the team can feel like winners.

Once the winning tradition is back, then they can stop caring about preseason again.

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Originally posted by 5Arrington6

I would love to be at FedEx when Gibbs and Co walk out for the first time. I think that stadium will absolutley be rocking!! Im pumped up just to see Gibbs in FedEx!

same here.... I will be in the second row on the 50 yard line as gibbs runs out of the tunnel and the stadium ***EXPLODES***!!!

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