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Anyone watching the Lakers & Pistons?


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Expect to see major changes for the Lakers. At his press conference, Jackson was hinting very hard that he is going back to his ranch in Montana permanently.

Kobe was saying how he wants to remain a Laker for a long time and loves to play with Shaq. On the other hand the underlying theme in Shaq press conference was please Kobe leave the Lakers. I really think that Kobe and Shaq dislike each other very much so.

So who is the leading candidate to coach the Lakers next year?

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Originally posted by Dan T.

I'm not much of a Lakers fan, but I have respect for Shaq.

The Shaq that always has an excuse for any loss other than the last game of the finals. This guy is always complaining after any playoff game that the Fakers don't win.

A lot of people hate the Yankees but when they lost the series to the Diamondbacks did they cry? Have you ever heard a Yankee complain during the postgame imterview? I've been to a ton of Yankee games and I've seen players get into it with umps over balls and strikes (sometimes affecting the 9th inning). They never make an excuse for losing. Whether it's game1 or game7.

F the Laker's. There's only one ball.

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No sense explaining it Trevor. All series long you hear the Pistons were more aggresive and that's why they got the calls. I understand that, and that's the way the game always is.

But the catch is, you have to allow both teams to play aggresive, not just one. I'm not talking about when the opponent drives to the whole....I'm talking the fouls that were called around the perimiter.

You can't be aggressive and create stops when your not allowed to dig deep and give it your all on defense in fear of getting fouls(this is how you create runs). The funniest call or non call last night when Prince clearly went over Shaq's back to get the rebound right after Shaq was called for it the possession prior. The excuse, the Piston's are longer and more athletic....what's that have to do with going over the back?

Anyway, congrats to the Pistons and there fans, they deserve it. Detroit brings it on every posession and LA couldn't deal with it. Kobe had a horrible series, and with Horace Grant and Karl Malone not playing, there was no one to rebound or play the pick and roll for Shaq. Slava can score sometimes, but he's really too much of a liability on defense to count on for longer than a four minute stretch.

I've been a Lakers fan since elementary school, and I never liked the way this team was assembled anyway. Won't have to worry about that though. Noone knows what they will look like come next year.

The best thing about Detroit winning, is that the NBA season is over and we're that much closer to Football cranking up.

Congratulations to Detroit and their fans!

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I watched my 1st Game last night this year.........

I would say in the 1st 4 minutes Shaq was in the WWE and Kobe was hitting the guy on the arms with a five year old windmill fight.

They called fouls on everyone. I thought the 2nd one when Shaq clothes-lined the skinny guy was cool. He was blatant, they skinny guy played it up a bit and the refs didnt bite... then he jumped up with a smile and they continued on....

I'll be the basketball moron as mentioned above.... Seemed like the refs did a good job to me... But I can only go by what i see and I dont know any of the detailed triangle offense or any of that stuff...

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