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No in my world, you make opportunities for yourself. Take my father for instance.......He was born in Wisconsin, and had an absolute horrible family life. There were no jobs there, or opportunites, and he had no higher level education. Now, he could have just stayed up there, and lived out his life pissing and crying about how he didn't get ahead......but he didn't. He moved to the DC area, worked for a bunch of sh!ty companies that abused him......and was still not swayed. He faught hard and was able to buy his house, and took a chance on forming a demolition company (this with very little money). And you know what.....the company took off. He then saw the warning signs that demolition was becoming less viable......so he took his saving and started a Vending company.....got screwed out of 20 grand.....but kept going. It wasn't the easiest situation (for me included), but he just kept plugging and developed a respectable company which he sold a few years ago. Now he's by now means living on easy street, but he has very valuable home 8 miles outside DC (completely paid off) and no other debt and a 4 day a week job working for the company that bought him.......now his next move is to try and hook up with me to do something else.

The point of this is to show, that he could have dropped out the game anytime because of what transpired, and just took some crap job....and could have cried about it his entire life. But he didn't he created opportunites for himself and took the necessary actions to accomplish his goals. This also goes hand and hand with my firm belief in being and entrepreneur. Some people see this word and jump back and say no way. But the problem most people equate this with quiting your job completely and risk everything. Fact is there are all kinds of side opportunities people can take that don't require a ton of time or in some cases alot of money.....just Initiative.....something that most people truly lack. A great place to look up success stories is at http://money.cnn.com/pf/millionaire/ where they have a bunch of great success stories of everyday people doing a little something more and making it payoff big.

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