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Isreal Gives up the Gaza Strip, and...


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I always get a good laugh when I go to Pakistan because there is always talk of forming a Pan-Muslim military that would combine forces from Turkey to Pakistan to Malysia.

No doubt they would have one of the top three most populous armies if they joined forces. Maybe more populous than China... maybe.. However unlike in bed, with armies size doesn't matter. The Moslem nations don't have one first world economy among them and the best military among them is Turkey, a NATO country and a strong Israeli ally..

If you put 10 weak sisters together, they don't make a jugernaut. What they make is 10 weak sisters who even if they don't bicker and attack each other, they will be uncoordinated, poorly armed, and lack any type of air cover.

Israel has creamed such dream teams in the past which were hindered by in fighting. Currently Israel is even more capable of crushing such an army.

Nope, No military solution for the 200 million folks who live in countries who have been at war with Israel; No Military soltuion for the 4-5 million jews who live in Israel. Negotiation is all both sides are left with.

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I know it will never happen but its fun to speculate...

A Pan Muslim Army would suck (even assuming they would unite).


1. large and fanatical population

2. Territory would be hard to occupy

3. Oil


1. Large area to defend (North Africa to South East Asia)

2. No Aircraft carriers, they can't project air power

3. No Navy to speak of except small insignifigant surface ships and loud submarines

4. Traditional Airforce is lacking in technology area, they could never have air superiority

5. Only Pakistan has Nuclear weapons

6. many different languages

7. most muslim countries are poor, add all of them up and they are still not even a third of the U.S. military budget.

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It is fun to speculate and I don't mean to belittle these countries and their people. I hope that they can find internal peace and stability, but that does not seem likely in the near-future.

Compare the likely alliance in case such an army(especially a Caliphate army yikes) ever formed--Russia, India China, South Korea(good troops,) Japan, the US, at least a few South American nations, Thailand and Europe(until demographics forces a shift elsewhere)

Talk about being overmatched

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Guest "VT Alum" SkinsHokie Fan

Ghost it would never be close. The lack of military technology in the region is staggering and a real sore point for a lot of hard core people.

Even the atom bomb that Pakistan tested was weak compared to what India and other western nations have done.

Pakistan's military though is incredibly well trained and disciplined. I have seen a few ceremonies and other things and it really is a fighting force, just lacks any real technology (F16's still stuck in America) and doesn't have the numbers that India has

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Yeah crazy muslims talk about trying to make a pan muslim army then they compare it to individual countries, but if you mention a Pan-Christian army they shut up.

Make sure to go to a mainly muslim internet forum every once in a file and get a good laugh, because they talk about this stuff ALL the time.

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Technology is one thing, but even when Israel didn't have a technological advantage they still kicked ass. Besides the technology gap which is now considerable the real problem is their isn't much Arab nationalism when you actually get down to brass tacs. I mean lots of Arab intelectuals talk a good game about Arab nationalism but when you get right down to it the Arab countries who actually field the armies don't like each other very much.

Saudi's, Egyptians, Syrians, Iraqi's and Libyans are just as likely to fight amoungst themselves for any number of reasons than fight Israel. The enemy of my enemy isn't necessarily my friend...

No mater how large your army is you've got to have those young soldiers who are willing to put their lives on the line to achieve their goals. It's an idealism thing but it's also a personal sacrifice thing. One person who volenteers for such a role is worth 100 who had the choice imposed upon them. Israel has never had a problem finding such young men. Neither has America. For whatever reasons that is not common around the world..

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Originally posted by "VT Alum" SkinsHokie Fan

Ghost it would never be close. The lack of military technology in the region is staggering and a real sore point for a lot of hard core people.

Even the atom bomb that Pakistan tested was weak compared to what India and other western nations have done.

Pakistan's military though is incredibly well trained and disciplined. I have seen a few ceremonies and other things and it really is a fighting force, just lacks any real technology (F16's still stuck in America) and doesn't have the numbers that India has

I know Pakistan has some issues, but I also remember those Pakistani troops slaughtered and mutilated by Muhammad Aidid's clan in Somalia. Which is one reason why it turned into a military conflict. And the guys who got killed in the recent operation against AQ/Taliban.

That kind of sacrifice you can only respect, it's just sad they died in such large numbers(in comparison to a similar operation for American troops)

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