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Winslow already making demands

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I am so glad we did not select Winslow! His agent is already slowing down the contract signing process. I will bet anybody he will be a holdout! This guy is so full of himself, I am shaking in my shoes thinking about when we have to face this overblown TE! This guy is going to get a reality check when he starts facing NFL defenses! He upset about not getting pick #5 money and his team mate going before him,not because he wanted to be a Redskin.

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On one of the threads before draft day i said I hope we chose taylor...

more of a need filler. Not to mention that our TE's from the past, didier, warren, walker...were drafted late and were blue collar....

and guess what...we got just that in cooley...i think with just those two picks

we made out like bandits....gibbs=football mastermind....hee heeahha

ahha hhee eheehe.....nervous gibbs laugh.

the greatest thing about gibbs is his lack of EGO, and the ability to hear and LISTEN to others. On top of that....the priceless ability to get a "feel" for

players....Im really happy with our picks...taylor at home with family in floppy hat over Kellen "I am a legacy Winslow in my pinstripe suit PAY me" Winslow...

nuf said

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