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Sonny Jurgensen inducted into Walk of Fame


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Hey Gang,

Just wanted to share some of the stories of Sonny being inducted into

the Walk of Fame yesterday. It was in downtown Wilmington, NC, Sonny's

hometown. It was great weather, his family was there, and lots of Skins fans.


When talking about going to Duke for college ball, he apologized for not

being around much in the summers, he said "Lets face it, Im not here for

academics, that being said I spent my summers in Summer School..."

He was very gracious with all wanting to ask questions, get photos,

and autographs.

He also talked about only throwing 53 passes for his entire senior season.

As a pro he sometimes threw 53 a game...

He mentioned being in the hospital after playing defense and getting two

broken ankles, and the coach says to him" You played great on defense,

that was great for the team..:

Sonny said, " Its not great for me"

When asked who his favorite reciever was to throw to:

He quickly remarked" The one who was open!" which drew a huge laugh.

Upon talking about his two favorite coaches, which is when he got choked

up. He talked about his High school coach, and Vince Lombardi.

That is what really got him, it even got me a little...the glassy eyes came out.

Overall he reitterated the many OPPORTUNITIES he was given, and very

thankful for. He also said to the kids, if you want to play. They cant tell you how far you can go. It was a very nice event, and thought I would share with you. I am working on posting the pictures...this is my first time posting pics..

so bear with me.

I hope you enjoyed.

Go Redskins.

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IAMBG. i thought it was pretty cool too. I am from Northern, Va, i grew up not too far from Redskins park...I didnt know Sonny was from here...It was cool

to see all the skins fans out there...he even said that before the panthers

this was all skins fans, and he said we needed to get back to that...i thought

that was funny...

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