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Issac Sopoaga

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Yea it looks that way, Id hope maybe we would try to make a trade of some kind to move up again, but it doubt there is much of a chance of that. On another note i saw a story about this kid with MS that philly is considering as a late draft pick, maybe he would be good, I didnt catch what position he plays though, he a big dude

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Issac Sopoaga is the best player left in the draft and a need for us, he is good enough to be a part time starter right now. He would be the person we need to finish a small but well picked draft. I would love to see Trotter and our 5th go for Issac Sopoaga. Come on Joe get us one more role player.

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Forgot to add I think Sopoaga's still a good pick and his problems are correctable, just that hit total weight compared to others does more damage and might eat his way out of the league. Still worth the risk if taken at #5 and #6. If he works with the right coach, (maybe that's Williams). who knows :D

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