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Snyder & the Ratbirds


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Thought some of you would enjoy this. It was posted at CPND:

Yesterday I heard the new owner of the Ravens - Steve Biscotti - on the local sports radio in Baltimore. It was his first time on sports talk radio ever and was taking calls from fans.

One person asked him about a 'rumor' about him and Snyder. Even before the caller could give more details, Steve Biscotti interrupted him and proceeded to say that the rumor had to do with " Synder coming to his house and telling him to call him (synder) - MR. Synder. And that he (Steve) started to curse Synder with expletives".

Steve Biscotti then went on to say this rumor is completely false and never happened. Instead he said that he and Snyder had dinner once in DC.

He then said -- the FIRST TWO people to call him to congratulate him when the Ravens won the Super Bowl was Snyder and Jim Irsay!! He also received a bottle of wine from Snyder.

:ravensuck :point2sky :dance:

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I can't grasp the media facination with potraying Snyder in a bad light. I think he is the ultimate owner. He still has some things to learn about owning the team, but so do many other owners. The last time I checked there was only one Lombardi Trophy handed out each year leaving everyone else to up their game.

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The funny thing about this insane distain for Snyder is that other owner's like the Irsay's have been absolutely horrible for decades, not even just years. The only reason why the colts are competitive is that the Sr. Irsay died and his son, who took over, was smart enough to pay top $$$ to the best GM in football. Compare some of the crap they have pulled over the past vs. Snyder:

Colts left town in the middle of the night on Mayflower Trucks to Indianapolis with a very secret deal in place and left Baltimore without a team or a clue.

Colts had such a horrible record of losing through the 70's and into the 80's that John Elway refused to play for them and finally had a deal with Denver worked out. At that time (1983), Denver was a pretty horrible football team (2-7 record from 1982).

Colts got into an embarrassing fight on national TV with Mel Kiper Jr. (dollar for dollar the most entertaining ESPN draft year coverage because of that side show :) )

Under Dan Snyder: made playoffs as owner in first year of ownership after Norv Turner had stunk up the joint in sub-par mediocrity for the previous 5 seasons. Has only been part of football as long as he has owned the team: 5 years.

His biggest mistakes are that he doesn't manage people well (see: Norv Turner, and second guessing Spurrier), tried to play fantasy football in the NFL (embarrassing 2000 season with overpriced payroll), and is still very impatient.

But Snyder is clearly learning and he isn't repeating the same types of mistakes. Last year he redefined the restricted free-agency market in the NFL and a lot of teams were much more prepared and had more tightly safeguarded their tender offers to players to make sure that nobody repeated what Dan orchestrated against the Jets.

The media likes to overbash Snyder. Nobody is perfect and he has his flaws, but nobody else seems to be on the same microscope as Snyder.

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