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Hi everyone...Long time no see...?(winslow&Taylor debate)


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Well...It's been about 3 months since my last post or something like that....

My computer went on the coputz....So I'm logged on with my Daughter's mother's computer so bare with me...

(doing a little babysittin' cause mother is going to Talladega this weekend(nascar)...)

Just found out yesterday that we have added Walt Harris to the team and found out last week that we traded for Thrash,so I'm a little behind the times with everything that's been going on with the Skins,but I think I finally got the list of guys we have signed and am caught up right now!


But anyway...I've noticed there have been discussions between Taylor and Winslow and who we prefer?

I've been pondering that thought for a while because both individuals sound like they would help the team tremendously...

Winslow:A position not only weak at (even with the addition of Rasby)but almost a liability....I know That Warren,Didier or even Terry Orr weren't your Shockey's,heaps,Gonzalas or Sharpes of the world but they got the job done...

We have the Chance to not only give Coach Gibbs a Solid TE,but a Possibble HOFer that he never had..Maybe?

A guy that could keep defenses from doubling Coles or Gardner and to give Ramsey or Brunell a solid target for the middle of the field....

I guess the only true question to ask ourselves is?If we take Winslow will we be comfortable with all the other positions of starters on the field....None-the-less....He would be a nice addition to an already explosive offense(potentially?)

Taylor:In my opinion....the best overall player in this years draft...Talent...potential and physical tools....He has it all...At almost 6'3" and 230 pounds,he will help the loss of Bailey(as a previous post disclaims...)

Not sure how much 46 defensive sets were gonna run this year,but that free or strong safety will be on a island...

When the Bears ran it,they had a pretty good safety too....Remember his name...?Well I'll tell you...Dave Duerson....

Now I'm not saying were gonna transform into the 85' bears or anything....But my point is...with a player like Taylor it will allow us to be more comfortable in different defensive packages...

And...we need someone to cover Shockey,Lewis,whitten and all the stud TE's in the league....Yes...Even if we go up AGAINST winslow...we will need Taylor to cover him in certain situations...

Personally.....I want either or....!Doesn't matter...I'm leaning a little more towards Taylor,but that's just because I want the Redskins to have their little Taylor too; reaking HAVOK for the next decade or 2...Like LT did to us....

However...Logically speaking....We probably could use A DE/DT more than anything,but at #5?We must trade down if that is the direction we are going otherwise I want to see Taylor or Winslow Wearing the burgendy and gold next year...!!

Nice to be back!Missed you all...

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