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Just One Week From Now....


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Almost exactly a week from now, it will be slightly past Noon on the East Coast and the NFL Draft will be starting. :)

Then, all our questions will be answered. More than just who the Redskins select. Things like... who's going where? What trade rumors were genuine and which were just bunk? Who got the steal of the draft and who badly reached. Which player folks think will be an impact player for thier team and which will bust.

I LOVE the draft. Not just for watching Redskin selections, but seeing all the teams select and analyzing whether it was a good or bad move.

I have 4 weeks of vacation this year. I took one for the week around the draft so I could see it and not miss a moment.

Jut a WEEK from now it will be slightly past Noon, and the guessing games will end.

Can we hold on for another 7 days? :)

Skins Guy

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