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Kerry's labor plan


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Someone tell me if I am misunderstanding this.

Kerry has promised to create lots of jobs if elected and he put some specific numbers to this recently. On his website he says that he will create 433,000 jobs in Pennsylvania (www.johnkerry.com/pressroom/releases/pr_2004_0331.html). That sounds great, but there are 'only' 367,000 people unemployed in Pennsylvania (http://www.dli.state.pa.us/landi/cwp/view.asp?Q=209359&A=3).

His plan would basically put the state at -2% unemployment, which doesn't even make sense. Does this mean that people will start working 2 jobs at once to fill the demand his plans are supposedly going to create? Or could it possibly mean that he's full of it? Or am I missing some information?

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Yes, I do.

Wait, now I'm confused. Kerry said, (and I'm taking Troysters word for it) that his plan would create 433,000 new jobs. But if the labor force of Pennsylvania went up 16% from its current level of 6,213,000, that would be an increase of 944,080. Where did you get that 16%, redman?

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