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We need a true leader on the D


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Arrington does not yet have the maturity to be a leader. He is still the follower type of player. Maybe someday he will mature, but he hasen't so far.

Sapp, on the other hand, is a leader at Tampa Bay, but it would be difficult for him to come in here and lead right away. It would take him a year or more to earn the right to lead this team.

Amistead was a great leader in NY, but he didn't come in here and instantly lead the team. He gravitated into somewhat of a leadership position here, but he didn't lead here like he did in NY.

We may be without a leader on D for a while, until Arrington matures or someone else steps up. I don't see one of the new guys becoming a leader this year.

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You people are laughable. You have no idea what leadership is or how leadership on a team is different. This isn't your pop-warner football league. This is the NFL, nobody needs to get in anyones face. Ray Lewis only motivates his team. Leading people and motivating them is two different things. The defense does need a leader, and with Greg Williams they have one.

Lavar does need to be more vocal and he has said the coaches have come to him and asked him to do that. If you listened to the John Thompson show when Lavar was on last year he addressed this very topic. He just wanted the coaches to ask him to do this or tell him his role. They have, and he has stated that he will be more of a vocal player this season.

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Lavar is a great palyer who i think because of his long term contract he now knows that this is his D. Im not sure if can play and be a leader because of his intensity level during games. He doesnt really think a whole lot, he reacts which leads to his mistakes. Fred Smoot seems like he could be a leader to. Our Dline acquisitions are veterans. I dont know much about sean taylor and leading but he backed up a great leader his freshman yera, ed reed. If we get him, do you think he could become a leader?

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all signs point to the fact that whoever gets taylor will be picking up a leader. Can a rookie be a leader? absolutely not. But three years down the road, he could easily become one. Whether his play is on the caliber of a leader is yet to be determined, but most of the stuff people have been saying is that his leadership qualities are one of his best assests.

just something else to consider. Leadership doesn't mean squat without a defensive line.


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