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Tracking Redskins 1


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Originally posted by 3DaysLatr

Redskins1 was just spotted landing in an unlit field behing the mansion of Ex-Tampa Bay mammoth and defensive leader Warren "keep your head on a swivel during INT returns" Sapp. There have been reports of a small entourage of huddled figures scurrying quickly to the back patio and then into the mansion proper. Seconds later the still night air was interrupted by the distinct sounds of champagne bottles being uncorked and the click of a retractable bic. More to come later in this evenings newscast.........

You must have been hearing Galloway and Sapp drinking Champaign together now that they will be playing with one another and sometimes on the same offense around the goal line.

In the meantime the real Redskin 1 was landing in Tennessee. Maybe we need to get Redksin 2 and 3 as well.

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Originally posted by SkinsFanMania

You must have been hearing Galloway and Sapp drinking Champaign together now that they will be playing with one another and sometimes on the same offense around the goal line.

In the meantime the real Redskin 1 was landing in Tennessee. Maybe we need to get Redksin 2 and 3 as well.

Hell Dan probably rented a jet for each coach to go there seperate ways and all conveine at redskins park in 30 minutes. i read somewhere that Mr. Gibbs said that (paraphrasing here) " each coach has a list of people they are to get a hold of"

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Originally posted by SkinsFanMania

You must have been hearing Galloway and Sapp drinking Champaign together now that they will be playing with one another and sometimes on the same offense around the goal line.

In the meantime the real Redskin 1 was landing in Tennessee. Maybe we need to get Redksin 2 and 3 as well.

In breaking news this reporter has learned that certain factions of Redskin faithful have begun rioting upon hearing of the exploding corks and retractable bics at the Sapp Mansion. A huddled entourage was seen scurrying back to Redskin1, with them was a 302 pound huddled figure that kept calling for a flag for holding as he was ushered into the mini. Later reports have Redskin1 in the Miami vacinity were Vince Wilfork was seen suspiciously loitering along a rarely used stretch of asphalt. Reports have Redskin1 landing, picking up Wilfork and heading for St. Louis as we speak...... More to follow.

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