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Official Odds from Vegas SB 2005


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Here are the official odds from Vegas.

New England Patriots 11/2

Philadelphia Eagles 7/1

Indianapolis Colts 8/1

Tennessee Titans 8/1

St.Louis Rams 10/1

Kansas City Chiefs 12/1

Tampa Bay Buccaneers 14/1

Miami Dolphins 15/1

Green Bay Packers 15/1

Denver Broncos 16/1

Carolina Panthers 18/1

Atlanta Falcons 20/1

Minnesota Vikings 20/1

Dallas Cowboys 22/1

Seattle Seahawks 22/1

Baltimore Ravens 22/1

Washington Redskins 25/1

New York Jets 28/1

Cincinnati Bengals 30/1

New York Giants 30/1

Pittsburgh Steelers 35/1

San Francisco 49ers 45/1

New Orleans Saints 45/1

Chicago Bears 50/1

Buffalo Bills 50/1

Oakland Raiders 50/1

Jacksonville Jaguars 50/1

Cleveland Browns 55/1

San Diego Chargers 80/1

Detroit Lions 100/1

Houston Texans 100/1

Arizona Cardinals 150/1

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I like the 25-1. That's not a bad bet. I'd plunk $10 down on that.

Still, the best bets on that board (and it's waaaaaaaaay early of course) are probably the Chiefs, the Rams and the Seahawks. I might also consider the Bengals and the Ravens.

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Originally posted by DUSTINMFOX

I personally see the Eagles finally collapsing this year....Sure there defensive line will be healthy, but there whole secondardy might leave.

Predictions of the Eagles' demise have been routine for the past three seasons. With as much cap room as they have available, they will remain one of the elite teams for awhile yet. And yes, they will spend some of it this off-season. Expect upgrades at DE, MLB, CB, WR. But don't expect big name guys. TO? Not much of a chance. Hope they make me eat my words. :D

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I thought about the Panthers, however the teams that come from nowhere to great heights have a history of falling flat the next year. The 2000 Rams did it, so did the 2001 Ravens, the 2002 Pats. The smart money is in the large middle class of teams that have better odds and, historically, the best chance to rise up and win.

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