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Prevent Defense


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Last night was another example of why the prevent doesn't work.

Did anyone else notice how deep the safeties were playing for the Panthers on the last drive? The Patriots were definitely playing for the field goal, they only needed 30 yards. On the last play before the fg, the safety was on the 25....why? Vinatieri needs to get to the 30-33yrd line.

Press coverage up front and keep them to short pass plays.

Game over.

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Thats funny because I was thinking the exact same thing while the Panthers were driving and when the Pats drove down for the winning field goal..... I was shaking my head the entire time, dont the DCs realize that the offenses are NOT going to go deep and are playing it far safer than the defenses that are in ultraconservative prevent-you-from-winning defenses. The offenses are only trying to throw 10/15 yard sideline patterns or if they do have timeouts they will attemp 12/15 yard skinny posts towards the middle of the field!!!!!!!!!

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First, the Panthers were NOT playing a prevent defense. Playing the safeties deep is not the equivalent of playing a prevent defense.

You know what happens when you press receivers at the line without safety help? Well, that's how the Pats were playing and they got burned by 39 and 85-yard TD passes.

Did you all see the way the Pats' receivers were playing against the Panther's corners when they pressed? They were throwing Ricky Manning Jr. around like a rag doll. You counter the press by being just as physical. That's what the Pats did, and that's why the Panther's corners started backing off.

It's a chess match, fellas. If Brady saw the Panthers corners pressing without safety help, he would have audibled and gone over the top like he did to WR Deon Branch and TE Daniel Graham earlier in the game.

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