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Icy assault continues on Carolinas

Mon., Jan. 26, 2004 3:31 P.M.

Buzz Bernard, Sr. Meteorologist, The Weather Channel


An icy assault continues on central South Carolina and portions of eastern North Carolina this afternoon and is not expected to abate until tonight. Areas around Columbia and Florence, S. C., have been hit hard, although temperatures around Columbia are creeping upward now. Farther north, the region around Fayetteville, N. C., is also experiencing significant icing. Raleigh may escape the worst of it, however, as the precipitation seems to be taking a more eastward track over North Carolina

In the center of the nation, a widespread area of mostly light snow blanketing the eastern and southern Plains and western Midwest will gradually shift its focus to Michigan overnight as a storm center churns into the lower Midwest. Light snow and flurries will continue over the western portions of the Midwest, but significant accumulation--a few inches--will be mostly in Michigan. Some light snow may also coat areas along the Illinois/Indiana border.

In the Northeast, an inch or two of snow is possible in portions of western New York State and northeast and north-central Pennsylvania.


Right now I am back in school taking a huge courseload. Schools all over the area were closed early today. :applause: In all liklihood, school will be canceled because of all this ice. :D It's miserable outside right now. 34 and falling. Will get down to the low 20's tonight.

So with so much to do and having wasted my weekend away with my friends, booze and other sundries. Do I catch up on some overdue work, or watch midless television, eat, make ice-luges out of the mess outside, blow up some fireworks and enjoy the time off?

I'll appreciate all answers as I know I will do some work, but weather-related closings happen more for hurricanes down here than anything else. This will definitely be the only time this year that we get time off from school or work.

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Originally posted by freakofthenorth


Yeah, that's pretty cold down there in Chucktown.

Umm...the high here (NYC) today was 16.

The high.

I wish I was in CHAS, enjoying that weather again. Because it is friggin cold up here dude.

I know, but since we had a high last week of 70, don't I have a right to declare a state of emergency like everyone else???????

I NEED 34 GALLONS OF MILK STAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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