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Are any of you a little curious as to who could end up in the hot seat?


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I've actually posted this same type topic before,but I wasn't as specific as i'm going to be nor was it in great detail....

But i've been doing a little speculating and thought observing for a while....

Well,....Gibbs and old school style of a coach(probably simular to parcells)...

Now we heard things about players not contacting their coach to maybe even some disgruntled about the idea of "starting over again"...

In this era of football there has seemed to be more players who are "me" players than "team" players...from To to Joe horn and even Bruce....

What i'm wondering,is if Gibbs will try to weed them out or just control their ego's to get where Gibbs needs to get!

Because if he wants to weed out the "non-redskin" players for his own type of guys then when could be looking at a huge changeover next season...

Cause in reality....none of us really know who the guys are or were that were laughing in the lockerroom after a bad loss...

And to me...That speak volumes about an idividual and his character....

If I had to guess....some of you would not like my answers as well!!So I won't!

But I here us all talking about how great we will be next year with these core of players and what not,but in reality;they may be playing for someone else!

Now granted....Even I know the salary cap will prevent Gibbs from just cutting guys left and right just because he doesn't want them....But is it to far fetched to believe that some of the "big name" players could find themselves in the hot seat?

I really hope I'm wrong about all this and Gibbs is just concerned with assembling his coaching staff as soon as possible...(which looks to be now!)

But when he goes over film and player evaluation,will he find a rotten egg?(which he has done a little of)

I only bring this up because I don't want any of you to be surprised when Ohalete isn't retained or McCants or whoever....

(God,I hope they stay!)

Hopefully if he does find rotten eggs,it will be players that we thought contributed very little like Terrell....Wasn't he in the doghouse under spurrier?

What did he do?Burn down Spurriers favorite golfcourse?

With that said.....I look for us to make at least 2 trades this next season for draft picks....(since we only have 4 and for the reasons above)

I can't quite put my finger on who at this time,but I think it will happen....

They may be high draft picks or low one's,but it will happen!!

So get ready!

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Originally posted by michael_33

Now we heard things about players not contacting their coach to maybe even some disgruntled about the idea of "starting over again"...

In this era of football there has seemed to be more players who are "me" players than "team" players...from To to Joe horn and even Bruce....

What i'm wondering,is if Gibbs will try to weed them out or just control their ego's to get where Gibbs needs to get!

Rest assured, my friend, Gibbs will cut and/or trade the malcontents, clubhouse lawyers, and malingerers that have infested this team, from within, like a colony of ravenous termites. And what's more he will do this and still find a way to win.

Those who remain may not love him, but they will learn to fear and respect him.

Santino: Pop is it better to be feared or respected?

Vito Corleone: It is better to be feared. However, the wise leader knows, it is best to be both feared AND respected.

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For some reason, I fing it hard to believe that most of these guys haven't contacted Gibbs yet. I'm not saying he's a liar, I'm saying that it has to be a few, not virtually the entire team.

It may be a naive assertment, but I still want to believe that guys are checking in....:)

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