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Those wacky Terrorstinians again.


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Yeah, you can post that and I could probably look up the articles detailing how Thailand's Buddhist monks have been infected by huge numbers of worldly and corrupt interlopers who have sex, drink, eat meat, etc.

I never said that no Buddhists engage in violence, because as you know, HUMANS AREN'T PERFECTLY RATIONAL OR CONSISTENT.

That said, you generally have the right to practice Christianity in predominantly Buddhist countries, but the state has always had difficulty in the East with Christianity because of its subversive nature(as practiced by converts at least)

I'm sure you can also dredge up the info on the bizarro army of God in Africa that goes around killing and looting.

I'm talking in GENERALITIES, and I'm looking at how the mass of adherents of a faith view other faiths. Once again, I'm not worried about Thai Buddhists crashing airliners into the water while praying to Buddha(yeah you remeber Egypt Air right?) or into towers to kill as many civilians as possible.

I'm not worried about Buddhists or Christians, supported by millions of their adherents, dropping small pox on a population.

If you really think this ain't Islam, Ancal, you're not quite looking at the texts of Islam AND the fact that the leading clerics(I except Sheik Kabbani from the ISupreme Council--good man) either obfuscate, issue perfunctory condemnations while launching into anti-American or anti-Jewish tirades(meaning, lying to our faces) or issue murderous sermons and fatwas from the Islamic universities and THE mosque in Mecca.

I'll grant that until recently, Southeast Asian Islam was a breed apart, but the tentacles of Wahabbism have spread. Sadly, it aint' just Wahabbism that stands in the way of an Islamic Reformation, though it's probably the biggest impediment.

I'll also say that there is something else at work in Islam, as stated in the texts themselves--an Arab sense of superiority, which obviously fuels an intense hatred as Allah clearly does not favor them because just look at their "civilization"

It is this incongruency that drives the outrage and homicidal mania. The anti-semitism is part and parcel of the religion.

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Posted BY FunkyAlligator

I for one and am all for killing the families of homicide bombers and burying them next to pigs so they don't go to heaven....that will get a lot of people thinking the next time they decide to go out and blow themselves up....

This may be the most depressing thing I have read on this board (or pretty much anywhere else)

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True, the thought of a mother of two strapping a bomb to herself before killing three other human beings is depressing enough without provoking some other human being into thinking its OK to kill all her family, presumably including her two children (aged 3 and 2) as a deterrent to others.

I guessed I had hoped that the depressing circle of violence was limited to the extremists on both sides, now I find it has started to affect otherwise non-homicidal idiots too.

It has to just stop, arguments bout whose religion is the most peaceful, who owned the land first, who retiliated against who, what act in history started it off has become irrelevant.

We need to take it back to the fact that people are dying that shouldn't be. Whether thats Israeli soldiers, settlers or civilians, palestinian suicide bombers or children playing in the streets in Ramallah. Its never going to solve the dispute anymore than building a big wall and hiding behind it.

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Originally posted by smsmith40

We need to take it back to the fact that people are dying that shouldn't be. Whether thats Israeli soldiers, settlers or civilians, palestinian suicide bombers or children playing in the streets in Ramallah. Its never going to solve the dispute anymore than building a big wall and hiding behind it.

I, too, am all for sitting together 'round the fire and singing John Lennon songs. Just too tired to explain why it won't work. Or, for that matter, why "building a big wall" (actually a small fence, but who's looking, right?) isn't supposed to solve the dispute but rather save my children from being blown to charred bits and pieces by John-Lennon-loving-secular-atheist-pacifists (because what I understand from some here is that religious Muslims couldn't ever do that, could they?).

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Originally posted by Sarge

Say Cheese

Incidentally - lots of writing and symbols all around but not even ONE Palestinian symbol. So, did she orphan her own children in name of the Palestinian cause, or maybe do you believe it was a religious one?

Abre los ojos.

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Hey 979guy

I don't know your situation but I am a long way from the conflict, I don't live in world where people are being blown up in the street, having their homes bulldozed or being killed by attack helicopters.

However, I refuse to believe that these things are inevitable. I refuse to believe that one persons security can only be guaranteed by the oppression of another people or that freedom can only be won by sending mothers to blow up other people's sons.

In that scenario, this thing never ends and before anybody says it can't get any worse. It can, Bosnia, Rwanda etc. etc.

In the end the terror and reprisals will only stop when the Hamas and the rest decide to stop. Israel's strategy needs to be based on how they are going to bring the terrorists to make that decision.

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