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Draft Wilfork for 3-4 Defense?


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I think Wilfork would be a perfect NT for the 3-4 defense. What do you guys think about drafting him?. I wouldn't take him at 5 - I would trade down and try to get him somewhere between 11 and 15 and pick up at least another 2nd round pick.

The Skins would also need to pick up an experienced NT for next year - a big fattie like Sam Adams or Chester McGlockton.

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Well for one, I dont remember Gregg Williams using a 3-4 at Tennesse, secondly I it would be a mistake to draft Vince Wilork, even if we trade down. He has weight issues and might not have the overall talent to make it in the NFL. Thirdly we have already had problems stopping the run and moving down to 3 DL won't help that situation. Lastly we have had a diffrent defensive system every year the least we could do is keep the same overall base formation.

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they say the transition from 4-3 to 3-4 is very hard for the LB's. lavar as talented as he is can't get his assignments right as it is. he had to sit out most of his rookie year because of his slow learning curve. hell he kicked and screamed when marvin lewis asked him to do something different and pass rush. its bad enough he's had five different DC's but switching the entire philosophy would devastate his career.

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I'm all for drafting either Harris or Wilfork at #5 but I don't favor switching to a 3-4. Their stock may be down at the moment, but this sort of thing happens every year and I'm pretty confident that by the time the combine is over, both of these guys will be considered top 10.

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OK, correct me if I'm wrong, but GW is running a 46 D. What's all the hoopla about a 3-4, and even maintaining the 4-3?

RTerps, cut LaVar some slack. He's had a different DC every year. Besides, GW is a really, really good DC, much like Lewis. I think LaVar's best year was 02. So, chances are, he'll have a great year in 04. And I think the current personnel on the Skins' D could really serve up an aggressive 46 D, and be successful with it.

But 3-4? I don't think so guys. It's a 46 D.

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