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How successful will Ramsey be NOW?


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He will be VERY successful

All I have heard today is how the Gibbs system is designed to PROTECT THE QB. The difference with Gibbs and Spurrier is that in the Fun 'N' Gun(:puke: ), they worried about the WRs routes 1st and QB protection 2nd. But in the Gibbs system, you protect the QB 1st and worry about the WRs routes 2nd.

Patrick will have LOTS of time and LOTS of protection from both the fact that more people will be used to protect him when he is trying to pass the ball, as well as by running the ball more too

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He will be VERY successful

All I have heard today is how the Gibbs system is designed to PROTECT THE QB. The difference with Gibbs and Spurrier is that in the Fun 'N' Gun(:puke: ), they worried about the WRs routes 1st and QB protection 2nd. But in the Gibbs system, you protect the QB 1st and worry about the WRs routes 2nd.

Patrick will have LOTS of time and LOTS of protection from both the fact that more people will be used to protect him when he is trying to pass the ball, as well as by running the ball more too

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pass protection and the health of your quarterback determine your season in the NFL.

very few teams have quality backups and even then the dropoff is still significant.

Gibbs realized this immediately and worked to keep his qbs upright for 16 games.

Ramsey will benefit because he is NOT a short drop, super quick release passer like a Kurt Warner was a couple of years ago.

But that doesn't mean that put in the RIGHT system with a running game to augment him that Ramsey can't learn and grow into a top echelon performer.

Spurrier didn't take Ramsey as he found him.

He wanted to mold him into something he wasn't.

That's why it was so difficult and painful to watch.

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pass protection and the health of your quarterback determine your season in the NFL.

very few teams have quality backups and even then the dropoff is still significant.

Gibbs realized this immediately and worked to keep his qbs upright for 16 games.

Ramsey will benefit because he is NOT a short drop, super quick release passer like a Kurt Warner was a couple of years ago.

But that doesn't mean that put in the RIGHT system with a running game to augment him that Ramsey can't learn and grow into a top echelon performer.

Spurrier didn't take Ramsey as he found him.

He wanted to mold him into something he wasn't.

That's why it was so difficult and painful to watch.

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