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Will we see a Redskins car on the track?


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Originally posted by Skin-N-NY(TY God)

Don't really care. Never got the whole watching cars go in circles thing.


basically, i think, ya need to drink lots o' beer. then you're not sure if the numbness you feel at watching them go round, and around, and around and around and blah blah blah ... is the race or the beer.

either that or you gotta own a car.

welcome back JOE. YOU DA MAN!

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Originally posted by Skin-N-NY(TY God)

Don't really care. Never got the whole watching cars go in circles thing.


basically, i think, ya need to drink lots o' beer. then you're not sure if the numbness you feel at watching them go round, and around, and around and around and blah blah blah ... is the race or the beer.

either that or you gotta own a car.

welcome back JOE. YOU DA MAN!

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Originally posted by zenga


basically, i think, ya need to drink lots o' beer. then you're not sure if the numbness you feel at watching them go round, and around, and around and around and blah blah blah ... is the race or the beer.

either that or you gotta own a car.

welcome back JOE. YOU DA MAN!

I know its a stereotype that racing has to fight. Just like I have to defend the state of West Virginia on here from time to time. Sit down and watch Speedweeks on Speed this February and give it an honest chance.

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Originally posted by zenga


basically, i think, ya need to drink lots o' beer. then you're not sure if the numbness you feel at watching them go round, and around, and around and around and blah blah blah ... is the race or the beer.

either that or you gotta own a car.

welcome back JOE. YOU DA MAN!

I know its a stereotype that racing has to fight. Just like I have to defend the state of West Virginia on here from time to time. Sit down and watch Speedweeks on Speed this February and give it an honest chance.

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