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Rhodes may have inside track to HC


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Washington Redskins: With the Fun and Gun now the Done and Gone, the club has begun compiling a wish list for a new head coach. Not surprisingly, the list, which currently consists of three names, has nary a college coach on it. VP of football operations Vinny Cerrato announced Tuesday that Jim Fassel, Dennis Green and Ray Rhodes are the top three in the Redskins crosshairs. "We like their head-coaching experience," Cerrato told the Washington Times. Rhodes may have the inside track because of his track record in Washington. He spent the 2000 season as the team's defensive coordiantor and led the collection of high-priced, free-agent talent defense to the NFL's No. 4 ranking. Rhodes also spent time with Cerrato in 1991 and 1994 in the San Francisco 49ers organization

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Originally posted by Skeletor The Invincible


This is not going to turn out well, is it?

I knew as soon as Vinny and Danny forced Mendes out of the front office, we were going to have issues.

I hope that it doesnt happen. :shot: :twitch: :gus:

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Originally posted by Gilgamesh

I wonder if Holmgren will be canned if Seattle gets embarassed in Green Bay on Sunday...I'd much rather have Holmgren than Rhodes any day...

Holmgren isnt going anywhere. Theres little chance he gets canned even if they lose to GB.

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Originally posted by Oldskool

Holmgren isnt going anywhere. Theres little chance he gets canned even if they lose to GB.

Just speculating. I know Paul Allen has grown impatient with him, and he would have most likely been fired if Seattle had not made the playoffs...considering it took a series of improbable events for Seattle to get in at all...I'm just curious if he's still on the bubble...

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I am really starting to believe we are screwed. If Rhodes gets hired, I will seriously start considering paying attention to other things until this little midget sells the team. I do not want to root for the Arizona Cardinals, and yet we seem to be quickly headed that way.

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