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Where Can I Find A Parking Pass?


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Where's the best place to find a parking pass for this weekend's game? I'm willing to pay up to $40, depending on color, and I just can't find anyone who'll give that to me. EBay keeps driving up the price to ridiculous amounts. No luck asking for it in the Classified forum. Anyone got any ideas?

[Please don't move this post, even though it's OT.]


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Go to www.greatseatsusa.com on Saturday. on Saturdays their prices drop, but you will have to pick it up in College park. All year I have gotten Orange passes for $30 and I got a Purple to the Saints game for $24.

Another option is to buy it from scalpers at the McDonalds on Central Avenue (the one closest to 495). You should be able to get passes for uner $30.

Another option is cash parking for $25.

If you won't tailgate, metro in or park at either the Addison Road or Landover stations and shuttle in for $5 a person roundtrip

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Thanks for the advice. In the past, I have always just gotten tix from EBay or other forums that had a pass come with them... just not this time.

BTW, anyone know what time do players start coming in for the 4 o'clock games? I always got there before 11 for the 1 o'clock games, so I could catch an autograph or two.


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