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Final Thoughts on the Week


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I'm about to leave the confy confines of the University of Maryland for the weekend, so this will be my last post until I get back from the game. My final thoughts on the week...

-I'm kind of expecting to see both teams open it up more in this game. From the Eagles side, expect to see McNabb run more often and at least test Arrington. From the Redskins side, I'm expecting to see us try to stretch the field early and mix in some misdirection/ reverse typ plays.

-I'll be shocked if we see another zero turnover game. At least one of these defenses is going to force a turnover or two that will change the game.

-Special teams will be key. Every return man (Bates, Metcalf, Mitchell) can break one each time they touch the ball and don't be surprised if one of them has a big return.

-Its still 48 hours from kickoff and I am really jacked up already. Once again, and I reiterate, the fans need to be loud. It should go without saying in a game of this magnitude but the crowd has to have a playoff-like performance Sunday.

-Eagle fans would do best to not mess with me at the game. I'd love an excuse to give one of them a broken nose! smile.gif

Until Sunday night, this is RySkins, signing off!

Go Skins!

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