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Jerry Jones knows he’ll “get busted” if he talks about Adrian Peterson

Tyron Biggums

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“We don’t want to get into hypotheticals in any way,” Jones said on his Friday appearance with 105.3 The Fan Dallas/Fort Worth.  “As a matter of fact that’s called ‘get busted’ in the NFL to be talking about somebody’s else player.”

It’s actually called tampering.  But we strongly prefer “get busted.”

While Jones can’t talk publicly about it, nothing stops him from privately contacting the Vikings in the offseason to see if a reverse-Herschel could be accomplished.


Even if Jerruh could pull that trade off. Jason Garret would probably only give Peterson 8 to 10 carries a game.

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Murray isn't a bad running back.  They might want to try to use him.

Agreed. The Dallass Cowboys biggest downfall is their refusal to have any kind of balance on offense. I am amazed that they haven't figured it out yet. Peyton Manning calls alot more run plays compared to Jason Garret. Without knowing the stats I bet the only team that runs the ball less than Dallass is New England. Tony Romo sits to pee < Tom Brady.

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