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Anyone to join me in Dallas??

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To all:

I will be attending the game Nov. 2nd in Dallas. Just trying to put a word out there for anyone that might want to get together Saturday night, and Sunday before the game. Me and my Father will be leaving Memphis early Saturday morning and should be in Dallas about 8 pm. local time there. This will be my first time in the big D, and have no idea where a good get-together spot is. I'm also trying to find a decent hotel to stay in Saturday night, preferably near Texas Stadium. If anyone wants to get together please let me know by response to the thread, or in a P.M.

The 'ole ball coach WILL have our shiznit together by this game!!!

Let me know.




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Dude, your a better man than me. I got tons of crap yesterday from Bills fans. I truly believe that we are gonna get trounced by DallASS unless we make some drastic changes. If I was at that game I would be spending Sunday night in jail, some Cowgirl fan would pop off at me and that would be it, it would be go time.

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