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Why do players come here?

Zen-like Todd

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If Snyder was such a horrible owner, who would want to come and play for him? Has anyone noticed how often people mention Snyder when they sign with us? Things like "He flew me down in his jet and had dinner with me", or just the simple "I spoke to Dan Snyder". I don't think many owners actually get involved in the recruiting process, and I think it's a significant attractant.<br /><br />Additional reasons to play here<br /><br />Grass field (Armstead's agent mentioned this)<br /><br />Huge fan support (people actually show up for games)<br /><br />High Profile coordinators (Spurrier and Lewis make players giddy. Players want to be part of an elite, special unit, and both coordinators offer that possibility)<br /><br />Err... deep pockets <img border="0" title="" alt="[big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" />

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Armstead's stated reasons:<br /><br />1. The Panthers couldn's afford him (he wanted to be reunited with Fox).<br /><br />2. Working with Lewis.<br /><br />3. Remaining in the NFC East where he knows the teams (doesn't jive with #1, but hey, this aint a high school debate).<br /><br />4. Playing on grass.

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I think that once players actually come in contact with Snyder they discover that he is not the devil that he is thought to be. I think players also see the passion that Dan Snyder has for this team and his extreme desire to win and they are attracted to that.<br /><br />Other reasons:<br /><br />-The Redskins are historically one of the league's five-star franchises.<br /><br />-The league's biggest stadium, which is always sold out and has a grass field.<br /><br />-The media attention and popularity that comes with playing in this city.<br /><br />-Playing just outside of the nation's capital.<br /><br />-All the other reasons you guys have mentioned.

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Normally it's totally about the money, but in Armstead's case I think there were other factors. It just seems to me the guy could have gotten more $ if he'd shopped himself. <br /><br /> But I could be way off...the league's pretty hard to figure these days. <br /><br /> I've been posting a little on a Giant board (BBWC) and as long as I'm civil, they are as well. They're hurting over the Armstead deal - he was a fan favorite and a leader. <br /><br /> I don't have any interest in gloating. Our time will come.

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$$$ is always a factor. But under the cap system, nobody has any more (overall) than anybody else. And in any event - the money's great at all levels.<br /><br />So if you ask: why would a player want to come to the Redskins? Outside of the money, if you're a FA who hasn't reached the level of success you feel capable of, there's noplace in the league better than the Redskins of 2002. <br /><br />Spurrier on offense, Lewis on D. Some of the most exciting (not to claim best) coaches in the NFL.<br /><br />Some young studs on the team, but plenty of spots open for the taking. <br /><br />A great fan base, national spotlight no matter what happens.<br /><br />But A#1, I believe, is Spurrier and Lewis. And maybe by extension Snyder, for doing whatever it takes.

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