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WHy does it seem like every time we get an opponet pinned inside the 10 or 20, that they take the ball and march all the way donw the field?.....we can fumble at midfield, and hold a team to three and out......that's got to be all about the players mental attitude.

Why does it seem more and more like Spurrier is not cut out to coach in this league?.......I think he is destined for problems, because he's going against everything that he knows, and believes as a Coach........it would be like trying to turn Marty or Bill Parcells into a passing oriented Coach........Spurrier is not Coaching the way he has all his life, and so far the results aren't pretty.

It almost seems like this organization, or the players here have caught some sort of disease, becuase no matter who the coach is, we some how keep getting the same results, no matter who we bring in during the offseason, it seemms like the same old thing, year in and year out.

One thing Spurrier better learn or figure out, is some way to protect Patrick Ramsey, even if it means sending out only one reciever. It gets really frustrating watching the other teams we play on a weekly basis, with their Quarterback having all day to sit back there adnd make apss, and poor Ramsey having all of about three seconds(sometimes less), to make his read and throw. Imgaine just how GOOD Ramsey could be if he actually had asome time to make a pass.

One telling sign for me which tells me just how bad our O-line, blocking schemes, Coaching, and Overall protection is..............is that Tampa came into the game this weeke with 7 sacks for the year, but yet somehow, they manage to get 6 sacks yesterday.........So wheter it's the over paid offensive lineman, or the Coaches, Schemes, or whatever, someone better figure something out fast, because Patrick Ramsey is the key to the Redskins future, but at the rate he's getting hit, he'll be lucky to make it through one whole season......much less, have a career.

And WHY is it everytime we get an opponet pinned inside the 10 or 20 yard line, they seem to drive the length of the field for a score? We can turn the ball over at the 50 yard line, and hold the opposing offense to a 3 and out.........to me, it has to be the mental mindset of our players..and it just doesn't make sense.

One last thing.........CUDOS to LAVAR ARRINGTON.....man that guy is unbelievable, and you know that he leaves it all on the field.......that hit on McCardell was downright scary......and I don't want to start up the whole Champ Lavar thing, but to me it's a no brainer.......because Lavar is almost likea man amongst boys out there, and it sure seems like I keep seeeing CHamp getting beat consistently on a weekly basis......I sure would like to know who was responsible for that(apparently very TRICKY) naked bootleg that they ran on us three times in a row for touchdowns. I heard the announcers make reference to the fact that Champ may have been responsbile for that too........though I don't see how.

Any thoughts?????

LAVAR ARRINGTON = :notworthy

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Very good post. As I have read over these boards I see alot of pluses and negatives regarding LaVar. I have also heard that George Edwards has given the players the options of freelancing if they feel they can make a good play. I am unsure about this. I think he does this because he is an unproven coordinator and he is more concerned with friendships rather than a boss versus employee structure. The bottom line is no matter how great LaVar is he can't do it all. The good thing about great coaches is having the ability to look at the personel you have and finding thier strengths and thier weaknesses. Look at Bill Parcells. Can you imagine how dominate we would be if he were our coach? No one can tell me that the Cowboys have a better team then the Redskins but, because he has a respect factor going there they play beyond their means. The Redskins will never reach the next level because our coaching staff isn't good. Playing college and playing pro are like English and Russian. Daniel Snyder must believe that because you have money to wipe your behind with you are always right, well WRONG! The Redskins should have never gotten rid of Ray Rhodes, period. Can you imagine how much better we would be with him still here? I love the Redskins but simply put I am not a glutten for punishment. I have learned to wish for the best but expect the worst. All the talent we have and we can only beat teams that don't have thier starting QB playing, isn't that pretty sad? I heard that Chris Samuels has lost his desire to play. Well sit his big collard green eating behind down. We sign Dave Fiore and he can't play due to injury to a knee that someone in the orginazation should have known about, hell he injured it in the game against us last year! Now as everone who knows anything about football, this is the problem we are only as strong as the weakest link! The weakest links are as follows:

Kim Helton

George Edwards

4th rate or career backups at Defensive Tackle

I guess Lionel Dalton and Martin Chase are worse than Holsey and that other bumb we have starting right now.

Yeah Right!

Champ Bailey is having a bad year because he wants money, give him a 90 million dollar multi year contract and I bet you he starts to play with more focus, he is in a win win situation he will get his money one way or the other!

Daniel Snyder can sign Deion Sanders to a 56 million dollar contract but can't give his best corner back a better contract? That makes alot of sense!

Why not play Zellner at DE and move Wynn in at DT, he isn't sacking the QB anyway! Spell Smith every other Defensive series.

Is it me or are the coaches just too stupid to realize what they are doing doesn't work and won't work. That aren't stupid they are laughing every Monday picking up thier paychecks at FEDEX field all the way to the bank.

:hammer: This is what needs to be done to the assistant coaches

LaVar I have one thing for you :notworthy

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