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WP - 10 commandments Judge Roy Moore wins his old job back


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oh Alabama.

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Roy Moore, forever known as Alabama’s Ten Commandments judge, has been re-elected chief justice in a triumphant political resurrection after being ousted from that office nearly a decade ago....

“Go home with the knowledge that we are going to stand for the acknowledgment of God,” Moore said to shouts of “Amen” from supporters.

Moore was elected chief justice in 2000, but a state judicial panel removed him three years later after he refused to obey a federal judge’s order to remove a 5,200-pound granite Ten Commandments monument from the lobby of the Alabama Judicial Building....

Natalie Davis, a pollster and political scientist at Birmingham-Southern College, said Moore benefited from high name recognition and a base of voters that associate him with the Ten Commandments.

“He benefits from straight-ticket Republican voting and he benefits that Alabama is one of the most religiously oriented states in the country,” Stewart said.

Stewart said while some voters were turned off by Moore’s defiance of a federal court order, others likely weren’t.

“Defiance of the federal government, we know what a tradition that is in Alabama,” Stewart said.

read more at http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/on-faith/10-commandments-judge-roy-moore-wins-his-old-job-back/2012/11/08/2c25d828-29f0-11e2-aaa5-ac786110c486_story.html

Judge Roy is also a birther and a columnist for WorldNetDaily. Good Job Alabama.

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