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SOW| Podcast Dejon Gomes Talks About Raheem Morris, Ivan Carter Talks RG3 Mania


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On this weeks Podcast, Ray and Kiel sit down to ask second-year safety, DeJon Gomes some questions on the competition for a starting role, the transition into the NFL with two of his teammates and his rookie hazing. Ivan Carter from CSN Washington’s Sports Talk Live stops by to discuss injuries on the offensive line, what players are standing out at camp, and some hilarious one lines. Burgundy Blog also stops by to break down the medical implications of Jammal Brown’s injury.

You can listen HERE

You can also read the transcript of the Gomes interview below:

Ray Smith:* DeJon, welcome to the show, we appreciate your time.

DeJon Gomes:* Thanks for having me.

RS:* Looks like you guys have quite a bit of excitement surrounding the team.* It’s so great to see all this positivity surrounding the Redskins.* How has your offseason been in preparation for camp this year?

DG:* He offseason has been a lot of fun.* Usually, most people can’t say that with the offseason just because you don’t have any games to look forward to.* But we’ve just been looking forward to the season and getting better as a team every day.* Just going out there competing and having fun doing it.

RS:* This has been your first season since you’ve got to come in a have a full offseason schedule.* Last year you got drafted, then the lockout happened.* Has there been a difference for you, a shell-shock coming in to the full routine, or is it more like college with spring ball?

DG:* It’s more like college.* I’m not really shell-shocked.* It’s actually helped me out by having the OTAs and the minicamps and the offseason works outs.* You get in the books that much more and you get a greater grasp of the defense coming in to camp.

RS:* There’s a lot of hype coming in.* You were a pretty hyped up player coming in to the draft last year, and you obviously came in with friends.* Talk a little bit about what that whole process was like of being a guy who was considered by some to be a top defensive back in the draft, and then you fall a little bit into the 5th round.* Talk about that motivation and just that whole process that you went through.

DG:* Last year during the draft, you couldn’t really do anything about it but wait for your name to be called, and I waited for that.* And it actually turned out nice, coking out here to be with the Redskins, seeing how they drafted two of my college teammates.* I just go out there and prove myself day in and day out.* That’s pretty much all you can do.

Kiel Maddox:* Did that make the transition easier, that you were able to come to a team in the NFL with 2 of your college teammates, instead of being the new guy with nobody else?* It’s kid of like going to a new school.* You don’t know anybody and you’re kind of by yourself.* Was your transition easier because of that?

DG:* It was definitely easier, especial how we didn’t get in to team activities until we got in to camp.* Everyone knows how long camp is and how strenuous it is on the body and the mind.* Just having a roommate that you were teammates with in college, during camp, just to talk with someone after camp and after practice, to see how things are going for him, it definitely made things easier.

RS:* It’s got to be great to know the guys that you’re going back to the dorm with, right?* To know that you’ve got guys that you can hang out with and relax a little with, they know what you’re going through, and you know what they’re going through.* Does that support system help you get through the camp grind and does that make you guys try that much harder to impress your friends that you already have here?

DG:* Definitely.* We were going out, and of course we were supporting each other.* Although I’m on the other side of the ball from Niles and Roy, we still made sure that we gave it our all every day and didn’t leave the field with any regrets.*

RS:* Mike Shanahan has gone, really, way out of his way this season, during the OTAs and the rookie mini camps, to talk about how this is a team that has been built on young players, young, talented players, that have competition at every position.* And we’ve seen him do some interesting things with your buddy Niles who was on the show with us a couple of weeks ago.* We talked about his transition from WR in to becoming TE.* You look at those opportunities that are opening for Niles, and you see the opportunities that Roy obviously has.

He started a couple of games as a rookie, he played extremely well, there’s a lot of hope for him.* And even yourself, you started a couple of games last year and you got some pretty significant playing time in the secondary as a rookie. *I believe it was twelve tackles you put up in the Dallas game, and just were very impressive.* What’s it like to see those opportunities, not just for you but for Niles and Roy.* It only your second year, what it’s like to play for a team where you’re not buried behind veterans?* You guys are getting the opportunity to show how you can help this team right now.

DG:* It’s definitely a positive thing anytime you know that you can go out and you have a great possibility of contributing to the team.* Of course you want to make the team, but you don’t want to be just that guy who is out there filling up a spot.* You want to be doing something to help the team win.* So anything I can do to help get victories is a positive thing, especially when two of your other college teammates are doing the same thing.* On that hand it’s almost like you don’t want to be that odd guy out that’s not doing anything.* Me and Niles and Roy and I came on the same class, so I think we push each other too.

RS:* There’s a lot of new faces at safety this year.* We’ve all heard about LaRon’s exit, and unfortunately seeing some of the other guys come and go.* For fans of this team that follow this team religiously, we probably don’t know a whole lot about the players that are here.* You’ve got Brandon who has come in from Chicago and New England, and Tanard that’s here from Tampa Bay.

Tell us what the feeling is inside of this safety unit.* Because it would be really east for a fan to say, “Hey, who are these guys, they’re kind of quiet, what should we really expect?”* Kind of take us in to what you guys are expecting for yourselves going in to the 2012 preseason.

DG:* Coming in to the preseason, with offseason workouts and everything, its seems like were jelling pretty well, it seems like we’re very, especially with the safety position, we’re pretty close.* You would think that, since everyone is not familiar with each other–we brought three in and drafted one–that we would kind of be off-synch, but we’re all helping each other out and pushing each other to get better, giving each other tips on what we can do to become a better secondary and better safeties.*

RS:* So we’re talking about the new faces that are in the safety position, and a new face that stood out to all of us is the addition of Raheem Morris on the coaching staff, who’s comes in [as] a very highly touted guy.* The guy was one of the youngest head coaches in the NFL.* We’ve witnessed him with the media out at the OTAs and at training camp.* He’s a vocal guys, he’s a fiery guy.* He really seems to expect a lot from you guys.* To us on the outside, he can look kind of demanding.* Talk to us a little bit about Raheem and what he brings to the table, and what you guys see for yourselves under him coaching your unit.

DG:* I definitely see him as a players coach.* He’s doing whatever he can to make sure we are in the best position to succeed.* He’s just out there, and he’s definitely demanding but if you don’t have a coach who’s demanding, you really don’t have much room to get better.* So it’s expected, and he expects us to bring out our full potential.* So it kind of works both ways.* At times, he’s vocal and we know he doesn’t mean any harm by it, he’s just a high energy guy and that’s how he coaches all the time.

RS:* Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe he’s younger than London Fletcher.* So is it kind of weird?* I mean, do you guys give him a hard time about being so young, [and] giver London a little bit of a job about being older than the coaches on the staff?* Talk about what that dynamic is and how that affects you guys.

Continue reading the interview transcript HERE

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