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Karma Chameleon


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At 12:00 to go in the fourth quarter, I saw us winning this game.

Then ... Champ gets called for a hold on 3rd and long, giving Chicago a gift first down.

Then ... LaVar tackles the TE a full yard short of the first down on 3rd and long, sees the officials spot it 5 inches short instead, and naturally they go for it ... and make it.


As it type this, we finally stop them on 3rd and long, and, as if in a script from a bad B movie ... the Bears score on a FAKE FG.

Game over.

Season over.


Karma is a powerful thing.

[edited.gif by Om on December 23, 2001.]

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Better Karma is coming.

1971 - Fake field goal for td to Dick Butkus is winning margin!

1972 we regroup and win the NFC

1981 - we lose 5 in a row and then recover

1982 - We win the NFC

1990 - We show we can play serious smash mouth football

and score. We need only a couple of players with big play or sound football smarts.

1991 - We win the NFC

Look at the years and this one, notice something smile.gif

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Guest fuji869

I hope you are right IndySkins because the way Tampa is beating New Orleans it looks like the 2001 Campaign might be coming to an end for the Redskins! mad.gif

If so it was a good run! jumping.gif

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Hmm. Why would I say a game where we trail by just four, at home, with plenty of time left, in a game we have just short of dominated to this point?


Because our starting quarterback is not NFL caliber.

Maybe I shouldn't post while the game is still going, because I tend to be pretty negative overall, I recognize that. Usually, perspective comes by mid-morning on Monday.

AS of this moment, however, I am as sure of my gut's conviction that Mr. Banks cannot and will not lead us to a winning touchdown as I am that Boy George never did a beer bong, then scratched his nuts and belched.

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I didn't want to infer we'd win it all this year either, Brave and Pete. I was talking about the "set-up" year before the push smile.gif

I wanted OM to see the point of a season "out-of-the-playoffs"

We are not there yet and next year, NO, NO PlAY WILL BE TAKE N OFF!

Banks is selling us out!

Any defense when you return to the field over and over will wear down.

[edited.gif by indyskinsfan on December 23, 2001.]

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We'll spend the next 9 months breaking down where the 2001 Redskins came up short. Let me offer the starting and ending points:

We have no QB.

We have no OC.

We have no offensive clue.

We find those things, we'll be good next year.

We don't, we'll be the same team that just tore our hearts out yet again.

I'm going to find a beer.

Or five.

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