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Madden 12 PS3 - Game Flow Test


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Ok, so I pretty much hate game flow, but I have used it in the past when playing online, but more of a mix between that and my own play calling (which I prefer to do). In Madden 2011, I did force myself to only pick plays from Ask Madden on both offense and defense, did it for about 2-3 qtrs against my uncle and the results were hilarious, I pretty much dominated him, but with that said, it could have been a fluke.

So just now,I started an experiment online. I'm only going to play with Game Flow and follow only the plays it calls on both offense and defense. For offense, I am only sticking to the game plan calls, unless it calls for play action because we all know that PA in Madden this year sucks, especially with nano blitzes. So, if a PA pass is called, I reserve the right to pick a game flow run or pass play, but let them call all plays. In the event it's 4th and short, I reserve the right to go for it and pick the play of my choice since that's what it offers with game flow.

For defense, it calls all plays in game flow on standard, not aggressive or conservative (although its fine if I pick one of the other ones). The only time I pick a defense is when they decide to go for it on 4th down, then I go to ask madden and pick one of the three plays (still allowing the game to pick my plays).

Well, I almost got 2 qtrs in before the guy quit. I was up 14-0 and stopped him for the 4th time (3 INTs and 1 forced fumble recovery, plus two loss of downs). Im going to continue to sim this and I know that if I come across cheese or experienced players that have money plays, its going to be tough. But hell, at this point, Im just trying to find some humor in the game.

Anyone else ever try this? Results if you did. The only thing that looked off to me was when I was on my opponents 21 yard line and in FG range, on 3rd and 10, it called for a pass play that was not a safe one (i.e. no shot at the corner of the end zone or out routes) and I got picked off. I was surprised it didnt call a run play in the middle to guarantee possible points.

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