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Pull for the Saints today


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The Saints & Bucs play today. And since they each are currently tied for the 3rd wild card spot, one game ahead of us, we will be helped no matter who wins this game. However it will be better if the Saints win. Thats because in order for us to make the playoffs we have to win out the last 3, which means we will have to beat the Saints when we play them next week. So this week, a Saints win drops the Bucs, down to our record, and next week our win, drops the Saints down to our record. Assuming the Bucs win next week, we will then be in a 3-way tie, but we will only hold the advantage over the Saints, due to head-to-head. It's uncertain how we'd fare against the Bucs in a tiebreaker at this point. So it's that much more important that the Bucs lose today to the Saints, and then at least one more. And we'll take care of the Saints next week, and take care of business with Zona too.

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