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Yahoo: Assad predicts disaster if West meddles in Syria


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The Senate has approved a resolution condemning the Syrian government for violence against its people.

The Senate backed the non-binding measure Friday on a voice vote. The resolution also expresses disappointment with China and Russia for vetoing a U.N. Security Council resolution to condemn Syrian President Bashar Assad, urging the two countries to reconsider.


If the FSA would help people to get more diesel, gas, food & medicine it would gain tremendous support on the ground.

3:47 AM

Does anyone know how many journalists have died in Syria till today? I propose we name a roundabout after them for dying to report the truth

3:38 AM


Hugged Anthony last nite. He was excited to go to Turkey & write his stories. Heroic reporter, writer. Monumental loss. Condolences to family.

4:53 AM


Pretty intense shelling today in homs, thinking back 2 families we met in makeshift bunker

8:06 AM

homs residents hide from shelling in makeshift bunker,food & meds running dangerously low http://yfrog.com/eshnsvfj

2:23 PM



For the regime to take Baba Amr they will have to flatten it, and after that there are plenty of sewers, it will cost them dearly!

2:05 PM


Baba Amro: Dr. Mohammad denies receiving any relief aids into the neighbourhood 17-02-2012...

2:53 PM

Baba Amro: Huge explosions shake the neighborhood

2:51 PM


BREAKING: MAJOR MAJOR Explosions rocking BabAmr Homs right now. Pray for them people. Bad weather + shelling! It's VERY bad!

2:48 PM

BREAKING: Heavy gunfire reported right now in Deraa accordig to LCC.

3:08 PM

---------- Post added February-17th-2012 at 05:19 PM ----------


With tanks surrounding Damascus airport, I left Syria last evening due to a fear for my personal security.

5:08 PM


Explosions are still rocking BabAmr Homs until this moment according to @omarshakir92.

5:18 PM


Very heavy shelling on Baba Amr. Explosions much louder and more powerful than anything heard before.

5:21 PM

Hama Kafr Zeta Intense and indiscriminate gunfire from most of the security checkpoints in the town at this moment

5:21 PM

Holy crap! I wonder who's leaking some of these videos.


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Russia and China are invited to the Friends of Syria meeting in Tunisia but the SNC is not.

5:51 PM

I'm not certain that's accurate, but if it is, then how incredibly stupid of the international community.


42 protests today in Damascus alone. The Revolution has reached a new peak.

5:37 PM


Syria refugee in Jordan hosp to @AP: "Govt troops are shelling everything..They consider us nothing. They want to eliminate us totally."

5:22 PM


NBC; many Drones are now operating over or around Syria but won't be used in any military attacks

6:36 PM

What are they doing then, taking more pictures for evidence?


just talked w/ my cousin who fled from Homs to Damascus. Been there 4 a week says surprised most ppl supports the revo even if silently

6:58 PM


Back to Syria ... ONE day old baby injured by shrapnel from Bashar forces shelling of Homs in Bab Amr !!!!!!

6:56 PM

Believe or not but today was the most intensive bombardment of Homs since the start of the shelling of the city

7:28 PM


Damascus and Aleppo went wild today. Security forces desperately tried to stop protests, but only increased them.

7:29 PM


Added On February 17, 2012

Many of the victims of Syria's bloodshed are children. How can we help them overcome their trauma?


6 hours 10 min ago

Reuters news agency has reported that two Iranian naval ships have sailed through Egypt's Suez Canal into the Mediterranean, in a move likely to be keenly watching by Israel.

"Two Iranian ships crossed through the Suez Canal (on Thursday) following permission from the Egyptian armed forces," a source in the canal authority said on Friday.

The destroyer and a supply ship could be on their way to the Syrian coast, the source added. Iran and Syria agreed to cooperate on naval training a year ago, and Tehran has no naval agreement with any other country in the region.

- Reuters

58 min 9 sec ago

Opposition activists say that Syrian security forces shot dead three pro-democracy demonstrators at a protest in Damascus, Reuters reports.

The three youths were killed in the afternoon, during what the opposition calls one of the biggest demonstrations in the capital since the uprising began last March. They said that thousands of demonstrators marched out of mosques in the Mezze district of the city, next to Umayyad Square.


Coming up at 8pm ET MT @deenasamicnn: We have exclusive video tonight from Syria allegedly showing troops firing at a Syrian city

7:56 PM


They're showing it now.

It's the same video I posted at the end of the last post.

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Binnish, Syria (CNN)

Hundreds of men and boys kneeled on the floor of a packed mosque for Friday prayers, but the solemn religious rite quickly turned into a furious rain-soaked rally denouncing Syria's president, Bashar al-Assad.

Before completing their prayers, the congregation murmured words of condolences for a resident of this small opposition-held village, Muhamed Hasmus.

Activists say Hasmus was killed Friday morning by a sniper in the nearby city of Idlib, an account CNN could not independently confirm.

The remembrance of their neighbor caused the faithful to jump to their feet and erupt with the chant "Allahu Akbar," which means God is great.

They repeated their full-throated chants as they marched from the mosque to the village square in a pounding, freezing rainstorm.

They unfurled banners, waved the opposition green, black and white flag, and conducted a ritual of defiance that has been repeated weekly in this opposition enclave for months.

"We were peaceful for ten months But now there is no other solution. We will fight, even with knives," said 21-year-old university student who only wanted his first name Hussam published, for security reasons....


Aleppo Atareb Renewed shelling of the city followed by sounds of machine guns

8:28 PM


Terrifying thunder and lightening over Baba Amr now, may it be a way to protect them from invasion tonight. Subhanallah.

8:40 PM


New information from @arwaCNN: Residents are bracing themselves for the worst after 14 days of intense shelling in [Homs] Syria.

8:45 PM


Journalists from the BBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, Al Jazeera English and a small number of other news organizations have managed to enter Syria without visas, like Mr. Shadid and Mr. Hicks did, and bear witness to the lopsided battles between the Assad government and opposition fighters and citizens.

Along the way, journalists have confronted a unique combination of challenges, including tenuous cellphone and Internet connections, the absence of a clear front line and the constant threat of being caught by security forces loyal to the Syrian government.

“I’ve never seen anything quite like this,” said Mark Whitaker, an executive vice president at CNN, which has two news crews working undercover in Syria this week. While other countries have restrictions on the press that are as severe as Syria’s — North Korea, Iran, Myanmar — “you don’t have live wars going on there,” Mr. Whitaker said.

“If you get stopped at a government checkpoint, it’s over not just for you, but for everybody in the car,” said Clarissa Ward, a CBS News correspondent, who followed a route similar to Mr. Shadid’s in and out of northern Syria from Turkey this month. Ms. Ward, a veteran of conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, the Gaza Strip and elsewhere, said, “I have never experienced anything akin to what I saw in Syria.”

---------- Post added February-17th-2012 at 10:30 PM ----------

Check out this video report.


Inside Syria: the struggle to survive

The town of Saraqib in Syria is a no-man’s land - the police and governor have fled, schools have been shut for months and even the mobile phone network has been cut.

A ramshackle militia of up to 400 men is protecting the town which has been surrounded by snipers and tanks loyal to President Assad’s regime.

The rebels are short on supplies such as weapons, ammunition and medical equipment and resort to home-made bombs to defend their town.

---------- Post added February-17th-2012 at 10:43 PM ----------


Snow is covering BabAmr Homs right now.

10:36 PM


:') the snow is piling up in Baba Amr now, covering the destruction and crimes by Assad. May this be a protection for the people.

10:35 PM

A thunderstorm and then snow. It's been a crazy night already it seems.

Arwa Damon is reporting on Syria from Homs on CNN right now.

(probably a repeat from the 8 pm hour though)

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"A good number" of unmanned U.S. military and intelligence drones are operating in the skies over Syria, monitoring the Syrian military's attacks against opposition forces and innocent civilians alike, U.S. defense officials tell NBC News' Jim Miklaszewski.

The officials said this surveillance is not in preparation for U.S. military intervention. Rather, the Obama administration hopes to use the overhead visual evidence and intercepts of Syrian government and military communications in an effort to "make the case for a widespread international response," the officials told Miklaszewski.

Unlike in Libya, there has been no widespread international support for military intervention in the country. And while there has been some discussion among White House, State Dept. and Pentagon officials about possible humanitarian missions, U.S. officials fear that those missions could not be carried out without endangering those involved and would almost certainly draw the United States into a military role in Syria.

What kind of international response are they hoping for?


Ok this is scary, there are reports that the Syria'n regime troops might storm BabAmr Homs & they're expecting hight number of deaths!

12:15 AM

PreviousTweet comes from @cnnarabic & based on a member from the SNC who's in contact w/ military personal from FSA.

12:17 AM

Can you people imagine snow with shelling?, this is what's happening in Homs right now. & they got no gas for heaters! HORRIBLE!

12:31 AM

Here is a video of snow in BabAmr Homs, it's not that much but it brings w/ it cold http://bit.ly/wVV6qq

12:33 AM


I've hardly seen any news about Bab Amr tonight.

I'm not sure what that means.


I thought no one can be more evil than Gadhafi and his thugs, until I met Bashar and his Shabeeha. God be with Syria

1:39 AM


In Syria's cyberwar, the regime's supporters have deployed a new weapon against opposition activists -- computer viruses that spy on them, according to an IT specialist from a Syrian opposition group and a former international aid worker whose computer was infected.

A U.S.-based antivirus software maker, which analyzed one of the viruses at CNN's request, said that it was recently written for a specific cyberespionage campaign and that it passes information it robs from computers to a server at a government-owned telecommunications company in Syria.

Supporters of dictator Bashar al-Assad first steal the identities of opposition activists, then impersonate them in online chats, said software engineer Dlshad Othman. They gain the trust of other users, pass out Trojan horse viruses and encourage people to open them.

Once on the victim's computer, the malware sends information out to third parties.

---------- Post added February-18th-2012 at 03:13 AM ----------


The Insha'at Exodus

Nadia* is a beautiful young lady from a prominent family in Homs. Every day for months, she would stare at her closet in agony; she had nothing to wear. Her behavior was typical of millions of girls her age around the world, but unlike those millions of girls, she wasn’t on her way to meet friends, go to a party, or spend the day shopping. She was going to a protest. She said her wardrobe decision was difficult because she had to choose an outfit that was fitting enough for a protest, modest enough for detainment, and honorable enough to die in.

When I spoke to her a couple months ago, I asked her, “Aren’t you afraid?” She said, “Afraid of what? Death? No, we no longer fear death. We have tasted freedom. We know what it is like not to be afraid. For the first time in my life, I am surrounded by men with guns in military uniforms, and I am not afraid. For the first time in my life, I feel protected.” The men she speaks of are the defected soldiers who joined the Free Syrian Army. They would form a protective circle around the crowds of chanting civilians. That human shield allowed the dense, daily protests of Homs to continue for months. Protests that no longer exist in a city under siege....

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Massive funeral and demo in Mazzeh. 6 people were killed there yesterday by security forces, including an 11 year old boy.

3:50 AM


WATCH: LIVE: "Raise your head. You're a martyr's father" - LIVE FUNERAL/PROTEST FROM [MEZZE] DAMASCUS SYRIA http://www.ustream.tv/channel/kafarsousah1

Endless massive crowd of protesters.

This is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen.

It's like they've taken over Damascus at this point.

This is like some of the protests I've seen in Benghazi or Hama.

It's stunning that this is happening in the center of Damascus.

---------- Post added February-18th-2012 at 04:39 AM ----------


The funeral in Mazzeh is even bigger than the one yesterday! Live: http://www.elahmad.com/tv/aljazeera_mubasher.htm

4:18 AM

@Visionaryck There's no fear barrier any more. The funeral is full of people who have never protested before because they are too scared.

4:24 AM

Watch Assad's downfall live. Massive protests in the heart of Damascus a 5 minute drive away from his palace: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/kafarsousah1

4:25 AM

Thousands and thousands of protesters are in Mazzeh. A few months ago there were no more than 10 protesters there. Lots of women too.

4:38 AM

It's a spontaneous protest, so a lot of people don't know what to chant. Some people are protesting for the first time ever.

4:53 AM


WATCH: LIVE: Snow has begun to fall on the Protesters in Mezze Damascus Syria. Perhaps a sign from the heavens? http://www.ustream.tv/channel/kafarsousah1

4:45 AM

Some may think the snow falling in #Damascus is typical. I say, this snow is falling to cleanse the country of the spilled blood.

4:50 AM

---------- Post added February-18th-2012 at 05:08 AM ----------


A mukhabarat thug that was collecting information of protesters in Mazzeh was captured and severely beaten.

4:59 AM

Very large prescence of armed security forces in Mazzeh near the University housing.

5:01 AM

Mazzeh is only 1.5 km away from the Presidential palace. Security forces are trying to prevent protesters from reaching Ummayad square.

5:05 AM

Ummayad square has the State TV building, the Ministry of Defence and the Army headquarters. Reaching the square is the ultimate dream.

5:08 AM


Dear UN: Your resolutions and papers mean nothing to us anymore. This started with the Syrian people. This will end with the Syrian peopl

5:05 AM

My God, they're being fired on.


****.Heavy gunfire.

5:09 AM

Heavy gunfire on protesters in Mazzeh. (live at http://ustre.am/Gkth/1)

5:10 AM

Assad is an idiot. He will kill more people at this funeral, causing another even larger funeral. Didn't he learn from the last 2 funerals?

5:11 AM



5:11 AM

CONFIRMATION VIA CAMERAMAN THAT SHOTS WERE FIRED AT LIVE PROTEST IN MEZZE DAMASCUS. SYRIA. Protest continues.... http://www.ustream.tv/channel/kafarsousah1

5:12 AM


5:17 AM

Tons of gunfire going off everywhere around them and still they march and protest.

Finally they start to run as the gunfire gets louder and louder.

And the live feeds...both...are gone.

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Reports of one young man shot dead in Mazzeh, and a woman that was injured in the head by a bullet.

5:26 AM

Many, many injured in Mazzeh near the cemetery and the automatic oven. Gunfire in several areas of the neighbourhood.

5:30 AM

If Assad can't control Mazzeh, is he going to shell it? He already tried to cut off electricity and communications there.

5:33 AM

Repeated explosions in Mazzeh, most likely from sound bombs. Heavy gunfire in multiple areas of the neighbourhood.

5:35 AM

The protest today took place 1 kilometre away from the Presidential palace. The protest happened in Old Mazzeh, which is very important.

5:43 AM

Mazzeh is full of embassies and official buildings. It's also where Maher's 4th Division is located, and of course where Assad lives.

5:44 AM


Never did I think Mazzeh would be 1st to properly rise in central Damascus. So brave. RIP to lives lost yday. Regime shot on2 funeral today

5:31 AM

For those that don't know, Mazzeh is wealthiest area in Damas, has embassies, business men etc. Very proud of its free men and women

5:32 AM

Wide spread arrests in Mazzeh now as a form of panic spreads due to injured and shooting. God protect them.

5:57 AM

And now Daraa rises to the occasion once more.



5:26 AM

"Death rather then humiliation" - Protesters in Daraa chant asking God for help.

5:28 AM

****! Explosions and gunfire in Daraa too now.

---------- Post added February-18th-2012 at 05:58 AM ----------


Daraa Daeel Heavy explosions in town and intense fire from heavy weapons

5:39 AM

Daraa Daeel Deployment of tanks on Tafs-Daeel road and random fire shooting on anything that moves

5:39 AM

Daraa Busr Al Harir The regime's military stormed the village under intensive gunfire

5:39 AM

Daraa Basr Al-Harer Tanks and security buses entered Horria square amid very heavy shooting

5:39 AM

20 Daraa Tafas Random storming and arrest campaign in the village included more than 20 persons until moment

5:39 AM

Four martyr today in Syria, two in Mazzeh (in the heart of the capital Damascus), and a martyr in each of Hama, and Daraa.

6:24 AM

---------- Post added February-18th-2012 at 06:06 AM ----------


FYI: Homs is witnessing another day of massive shellings and bombings. Many areas are complete ghost towns where Assad soldiers just rape

5:55 AM

Soldiers are going into evacuated houses stealing anything of value.

5:56 AM

There isnt a single Homsy that dsnt have a dead relative, a stolen or shelled house/ car. I triple dare u to find one. 1.5million Homsies.

5:58 AM



(The date should be from today.)


If you missed the huge Mezze protest in Damascus here's a recording of it

5:58 AM

Full videos





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Security forces firing at protesters in Mazzeh meters away

9:20 AM

More videos from the protest



Protest in Hama



Angelina Jolie: it's time for 'intervention' in Syria

Hollywood star Angelina Jolie said Saturday the world should intervene to stop the violent crackdown in Syria and condemned powers that have vetoed a UN resolution against the regime.

"I think Syria has got to a point, sadly, where certainly some form of intervention is absolutely necessary," Jolie told Al Jazeera Balkans in an interview shown on the channel's Internet site.

"It's so sad, it's so upsetting, it's so horrible what's happening," Jolie said. "At this time we just must stop the civilians being slaughtered.

"When you see that kind of mass violence and murder on the street, you must do something," added Jolie, who has served for years as a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.


Small glimpse of incredible damage done to civilian homes in Homs by Bashar forces shelling http://is.gd/dgDTaB

1:23 PM




Iranian rappers sing for Homs. "Even if I am drowned in my own blood, I will not shut up." via @Borzou

1:22 PM


Activist group: More than 8,500 killed in Syria violence since mid-March 2011 - @cnnbrk http://bit.ly/xbB4ug

1:25 PM


Added On February 17, 2012

CNN's Nick Paton Walsh reports on the Syrian town of Zabadani, struggling to survive after first holding strong.


Live Protest in Mahatta, Daraa now

---------- Post added February-18th-2012 at 01:59 PM ----------


The tensions sweeping across Syria enveloped the capital of Damascus Saturday, with security forces firing at protesters and a Chinese diplomat urging the country's leaders to negotiate with the opposition.

At least two people were killed when demonstrators packed the streets of Damascus to rail against President Bashar al-Assad's regime and mourn the deaths of three other people recently slain by security forces.

"Father of the martyr, raise your head high!" demonstrators chanted in the central neighborhood of Mazzeh. Tens of thousands of mourners and protesters packed the streets as security forces confronted them with gunfire and tear gas, killing two people, said the Local Coordination Committees of Syria, a network of opposition activists.

The two were among 17 deaths across Syria Saturday, the LCC said. More than 8,500 deaths have been documented since the crackdown started more than 11 months ago, LCC spokeswoman Rafif Jouejati said. The United Nations has said well over 5,000 people have died, though it does not have a recent death count due to the conditions in the country.

Along with the two killed in the capital, the LCC reported deaths in other provinces: six in Homs, three each in Hama and Idlib, two in Daraa and one in Aleppo.

The LCC said forces firing a machine gun on a tank in Hama killed two children and injured another person.

"The shooting targeted a car they were riding. Security forces arrested the one who was injured and another one who was also with them in the car," the LCC said.

Syrian forces shelled a clinic in the Daraa town of Basr al-Hareer and launched raids in the city of Deir Ezzor.

Security forces continued their shelling of Homs neighborhoods, including Baba Amr and Inshaat, bastions of anti-government sentiment, the LCC said.


Even moving what food products are left in baba amr is an entire stealth op at night (homs)

2:17 PM

Head of humanitarian office says no food has come in for last 3wks & less than week supply left

2:22 PM

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Baba Amro: three soldiers have been killed when tried to defect from Assad troops...

2:38 PM


@IvanCNN they raided my relatives home, threw food that was there on floor, excreted and urinated, broke toilet so sewage went through

3:24 PM

@IvanCNN then went to my cousins wedding preperation bag, excreted and urinated on her clothes, broke all windows, ripped sofas

3:24 PM

@IvanCNN stole all electronics and opened all private photos they were thrown around in the disgusting mess these animals left behind

3:24 PM

@IvanCNN and this is a family not involved in the revo, they weren't in the flat at the time and so the assad forces did this. in homs.

3:25 PM


Summary of events in Homs today
For the 16th day in a row Homs remains under siege, divided neighborhoods, and violent bombing that has not stopped in Homs, especially in Baba Amr. The humanitarian condition continues to deteriorate reaching the worst of conditions with the most basic of foods being unavailable. There is shortage of medical supplies, and water, electricity, and communications are still unavailable.

Baba Amr – just like everyday, the residents of Baba Amr woke up to the sounds of violent bombing, as Assad forces continue to use different types of weapons, bombs, and rockets in their attacks. As a result, there are many people who were killed or wounded, and some homes were destroyed.

Assad forces are still filling the areas surrounding Baba Amr in what seems to be preparation for a ground invasion.

Inshaat – violent shelling by armored vehicles and other types of weapons could be heard in this neighborhood, which is nearly entirely deserted now.
The rest of Homs

The other neighborhoods of Homs are also suffering from the violent bombing by Assad forces. Today, gunfire and explosions could be heard in the old districts of Homs, Karm al-Zeitoun, Rifai, Ashira, Bab Tadmur, and Jin al-Jandali. The bombing resulted in burning a home in Bab Draib when a mortar fell on the home

Rural Homs

Just like its neighborhood, towns around Homs (Rastan, Qusayr, and other areas) are also suffering from the bombing, in addition to a deteriorating humanitarian condition because of the continued siege.

By the way, supposedly the ground assault that everyone was predicting was postponed because of the snow.

Although I wouldn't be surprised myself if the regime is waiting for people to run out of supplies before going in.

---------- Post added February-18th-2012 at 03:26 PM ----------


Yet another video of the protest in Damascus.

Listen to the gunfire starting about 35 seconds in.

Another video:



Russia send arms to Syria regime & Iran sends warships while the rest of the world watches it massacre civilians and say we won't interfere

3:27 PM

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There are reports that @RedRazan has been freed, together with her colleagues. FreeRazan via @anasonline

3:50 PM


Syrian activist @RedRazan is free! RT @NadineGhazzawi: Sister is home :) but she can't leave the country anymore...they won't allow her."

4:07 PM


Razan Ghazzawi released together w/ her female colleagues a short while ago. Her male colleagues remain in prison

4:10 PM


Hidden camera: Assad thugs in Midan Damascus on the 17th carrying automatic weapons, shotguns, and rifles.



Wow who read the news about Jafaris nephew and the sister of Adel Safr being injured in protest today???? Arabic to follow, thoughts?

4:10 PM

Jafaari the Syrian Ambassador to the UN?


18 martyrs from aleppo didn't all fall today, but were victims of shelling of Atareb that LCC just managed to document today.

3:55 PM


Aleppo: Intensive gun firing by security forces in Al-Fardous and Al Ansari neighborhoods

3:59 PM

Aleppo: security forces arrested 6 protesters who were asking 4 the release of detainees in front of the Criminal Investigations br.

4:16 PM

Aleppo Suburbs: Atareb: The town remains besieged for the 5th consecutive day amid random shelling and gunfire

4:31 PM


Homs: Night Demo in Bab Turkman http://bit.ly/Akj4mi

4:46 PM

Homs: Night Demo in Khaldiya http://bit.ly/AcAVKR

4:47 PM




Footage of plainclothes thugs beating protesters in Damascus today

5:30 PM

More footage of Syrian regime thugs. Frightening stuff.

5:32 PM

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China supports Arab League's proposals for Syria

BEIJING (AP) — China said Saturday that it supports the Arab League's proposals for ending the violence in Syria, a striking show of support just two weeks after Beijing vetoed a U.N. Security Council resolution backing the league's plans.

The seemingly contradictory stances on the Arab League's proposals appear to reflect Beijing's desire for mediation but aversion to U.N. involvement that could lead to authorizing force, as happened with Libya.

China conveyed its support for the Arab League's proposals in a statement posted late Saturday on the Foreign Ministry's website. That followed a meeting earlier in the day in Damascus between Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhai Jun and Syrian President Bashar Assad.

The statement quoted Zhai as telling Assad that China was willing to work with the Syrian government and opposition, the Arab League and Arab countries to find a solution.

"China supports all the mediation efforts by the Arab League to find a political solution to the Syrian crisis and calls upon relevant parties to increase communication and negotiations to find a peaceful and appropriate solution to the Syrian crisis within the framework of the Arab League and on the basis of the Arab League's relevant political solution proposals," Zhai was quoted as saying.

Also Saturday, a ruling party newspaper said in an editorial that China courageously defied the West when it opposed a nonbinding resolution in the U.N. General Assembly condemning human rights violations in Syria.


Just interviewed Syrian doctor who was arrested 45 days & tortured for treating wounded people.Now he runs secret clinic 4 opposition

5:09 PM

Syrian Doctor:"When they hit me it was ok, I'm a young man. But when I saw them beat an 80-year old man, my heart bled"

5:20 PM

Syrian Doctor says village preparing secret bloodbank & network of underground field hospitals & giving 100's of first aid courses in case Syrian military launches Homs-style bombardment 7 siege of his community. Community has shortage of medicine though...

5:26 PM


Damascus, Al-Mezzeh: From a medical source 170 people were wounded today by sec forces gunfire, 35 in a critical state. (Via UgaritNews)

6:01 PM


All people we talk to inside Syria are asking us why are they not getting the help from int'l community. Many demand intervention!!

6:13 PM


Director of the Syrian Air Force Academy defects: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8j-weViEOx0

6:12 PM

Yes, it's the engineering side of the Air Force.

6:21 PM

Not as a big a deal, but it's significant. Esp as from Aleppo.

6:22 PM


I was there today at Mezzah funeral, It was such an exceptional experience.

By early morning, the Mezzah highway was blocked by police cars. 4-5 buses of thugs were there too. At that point, I didn’t know why. Few minutes later, chants of protesters next to Al-Razi hospital were heard across the neighborhood. I was there for the first time, participating in the first huge protest at the heart of Damascus.

No words can describe my feelings today, it was just magnificent.

It was just like a exploring a new world, a new reality, a reality of free Syria we all aspire to.

Damascenes were there, men & women, armed with determination & faith that will never be defeated, have my word on this.

I left the protest before the shooting, but I was still in the area around, I heard the gunfire just 20 minutes after leaving. I didn't hear any slogans against Assad & I really don't know why

Few young men started shouting support for FSA, but the slogan didn’t really catch on between other protesters!

@ZainSyr Are you sure of this? Zaman Al-wasel is reporting Jaafri's nephew was shot in the leg during today's funeral

8:11 PM


@CitizenGeo because they had an agreement they let them demonstrate if slogans against assad wont be shouted

7:23 PM

@CitizenGeo agreement with the security, I have no idea if they had a representative but as long as the slogans werent raised there must be

7:34 PM

@CitizenGeo they werent supposed to chant for FSA but couldn't be controlled

8:00 PM

@CitizenGeo exactly and thats when the crowds in mazzeh chanted for the FSA, security lost their nerves and opened fire.

7:59 PM

Or maybe they had already lost their nerves long before that and were looking for an excuse to 'put the protesters back in their place'

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[guy who was running the live feed for Bab Amr]

His house was targeted by rocket 4 days ago. He and his family are safe as of hours ago I'm sure. Idk why hes not broadcasting

12:51 AM

Doctors in Homs use welding oxygen tanks to treat the wounded civilians cuz the regime doesn't allow O2 tanks to enter the city.

12:42 AM

According to activists, not a single pharmacy is open in Homs currently cuz the regime military is just everywhere!

12:45 AM

The punishment if u get caught treating wounded civilians is most likely death. That is... if you're lucky

12:53 AM

Idlib An unidentified corpse lies @ water canal following an assault by Syrian security forces northwestern Syria

3:05 AM


According to LCC the Syria'n regime is detaining 300 Doctors because they treated the injured.

1:26 AM


Many Q's re how to help & which NGO's operating inside syria - that's the prob, none officially are, ppl R left 2 own devices

3:18 AM

Protest Saturday night in Damascus



One of Syria's leading businessmen says its economy is being crippled by foreign sanctions and that the government is slowly disintegrating.

Faisal al-Qudsi, the son of a former Syrian president, told the BBC the military action could only last six months and then there would be "millions of people on the streets".

But he said President Bashar al-Assad's government would fight to the end....

---------- Post added February-19th-2012 at 04:51 AM ----------


Iran warships 'dock in Syria's Tartous port'

Iranian warships have crossed the Suez Canal and docked in Syria's port city of Tartous, Iranian state media has reported.

Youcef Bouandel, professor of international affairs at Qatar University, told Al Jazeear that Iran's deployment has to be viewed as part of a "broader picture" - that it to say that the Iranian government feels that "Syria is the first step towards putting Iran in the corner".

"Iran has been having a few standoffs with the West in general over its nuclear programme and over its oil emabrgo," said Bouandel, who said that the docking of the ships on the Syrian coast had two largely symbolic meanings.

"Iran has been threatening to close the Strait of Hormuz and has been a strong ally of Syria over the last year in particular ... the two ships ... crossed the Suez Canal without being stopped or searched [which] suggests that they do not carry any weapons," he said.

That seems an odd thing to say.

It would make more sense to say that it suggests that they are not suspected of carrying weapons.

I'm not sure how anyone would know what was on the ships without seaching them though.

---------- Post added February-19th-2012 at 05:11 AM ----------


1 hour 13 min ago

Syria's state-run news agency reports that gunmen have assassinated a senior prosecutor and a judge in a restive northwestern province.

SANA says gunmen opened fire Sunday morning on a car carrying Idlib provincial state prosecutor Nidal Ghazal and judge Mohammed Ziadeh. The agency says the two were killed instantly along with their driver.

Syrian fighters control parts of Idlib province, which borders Turkey. It has been one of the regions hardest hit by a government crackdown on an uprising against President Bashar Assad's regime.

The uprising began in March as a peaceful protest but has grown into a bloody insurgency.

The unrest and the resulting crackdown left more than 5,400 people dead last year alone, according to the UN. [AP]

1 min 28 sec ago

Syrian revolution general commission said 10 people have been killed. Eight of them in Idlib today, those who are killed in Idlib including lawyer Nedal Ghazwan and judge Mohamed Zyada. [AJA]

Their names changed from one blog update to the next. lol

Maybe the two sources gave different variations.

Anyway, I wonder if this is a trick by the government to give them an excuse to attack the villages in Idlib.


Inside the torture chamber of Assad's inquisition squads
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Sun, 19 Feb 2012

BREAKING: Egypt recalls its ambassador to Syria.

State news agency MENA said the decision was made after a visit from Egypt's ambassador Shawky Ismail to Cairo. The foreign ministry decided to keep him in the Egyptian capital "until further notice". [Reuters]

Foreign Minister Mohammed Amr "summoned the Egyptian ambassador to Damascus... and it was decided that the ambassador will remain in Cairo until further notice," ministry spokesman Amr Rushdi said in a statement. [AFP]


Good morning Egyptian gov. You recalled your ambassador in Damascus? So why did you let the Iranian weapon ships pass through then?

5:54 AM

Day 16. Baba Amr bombed. I miss my brothers @OmarShakir91 & Danny. I can't believe the world let Bashar destroy such a beautiful land homs

6:17 AM

I wonder if there's a list of the countries that have recalled their ambassadors from Syria/and or closed their Syrian embassies.


Girl mourn over the body of man who was kidnapped, then killed by the Assad forces in Homs, and thrown in street.

Young man digs the grave for his own father in Homs, after he was kidnapped and killed by Assad forces.

6:18 AM

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Homs a 'bleeding wound' as medical aid dire

After 16 straight days of bombardment, Homs is such an incessantly bleeding wound that Syrians speak of it now as though it were a norm. Theirs are voices of resignation as food, medicine, water, electricity dwindle and Bashar al-Assad's forces show no intent of letting up.

Activist Omar Shakir told CNN he is confident the Syrian army is preparing for a massive ground invasion of the besieged neighborhood of Baba Amr, the heart of the revolt.

"Just like every day, the residents of Baba Amr woke up (Sunday) to the sounds of violent bombing, as al-Assad forces continue to use different types of weapons, bombs, and rockets in their attacks," he said.

'Dire conditions' in Syria Sunday, at least 20 people were killed across Syria, according to the Local Coordination Committees (LCC) of Syria, a network of opposition activists. In the 11 months of Syria's uprising, almost 9,000 people have been killed, the LCC estimates.

The opposition activists also offered another disturbing report: at least 295 doctors have been arrested in what it called a fierce campaign to shut down physicians.

In many places, doctors have been overwhelmed trying to treat the wounded and save lives without proper medicine or equipment. They work in makeshift trauma clinics, clandestinely, for fear of being shot.

A group of Syrian doctors were in the United States this week to urge action that will allow critical medical aid to the injured. The regime's interference, they said, amounts to a violation of the Geneva Conventions that protect victims of armed conflicts.

"We lost last week two people carrying medicine. They killed them. Just carrying medicine inside," Dr. Monzer Yazji told reporters at the National Press Club in Washington.

9,000 seems a bit high.

The latest estimates I saw were around 8,500 a couple of days ago.


22 dead in Syria today already. Still 2pm there.

7:10 AM

Bab Sba' shelling today, 1 dead and many injured. homs

11:58 AM

[Kafrnbel in Idlib] - The world struggles to find a safe passage for humanitarian aid into Syria

12:06 PM

[Kafrnbel Idlib] - however the Suez Canal is a safe passage for Iranian warships to Syria

12:07 PM


SANA Syria state news reports 'armed terrorists' assassinated judge, attorney general & driver on their way to work in Idlib this morning

7:15 AM

Idlib province rebels deny killing attorney general, claim he was rebel sympathizer, accuse regime of framing opposition for murder

8:36 AM

Rebels claim to have kidnapped son of Brigadier General Nofal Hussain in Idlib in retaliation for attorney general's murder

8:36 AM

Opposition funeral for attorney general Nedal Ghazal, murdered in Idlib today, funeral in hometown of Teftanaz

11:45 AM



Daraa: Yadoda: sec forces are sporadically shooting from BTRs in the middle of the city

12:03 PM

Daraa: Yadooda: Sounds of intense gunfire in the town as a result of clashes between Free Syrian Army and the regime's army

11:25 AM

Assad only uses men he believes are loyal, and threatens to kill them if they are not, and still they defect in the hundreds every day.

12:15 PM

Heavy gunfire by Assad forces in central Aleppo in order to stop protests

12:20 PM



Security forces are seriously deploying checkpoints in Mazzeh area after yesterday's mass protest. Damascus

12:32 PM

Live protest in Syria


another one.


This one is thunderous.

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Reports Basahr Army 15th battalion heading to Homs from Salkhad. Soldiers trying to fool Homs residents &FSA by raising independence flags

1:16 PM

Defections increasing across country in Syria with protests increasing in Aleppo & Damascus .... Allahu Akbar

1:06 PM

Formation of a new FSA fighting group called Abu AlQasem in Homs http://youtu.be/EqukmvB2rv4

1:12 PM

Formation of large new FSA brigade called AlAqeedat that wil be active in Homs & Hama area http://youtu.be/SYa2B1U1OBg

1:31 PM

Video of Colonel Mustafa Abdel Kareem defecting & joining Free Syria Army http://youtu.be/lA5dBH3T8QU

1:33 PM

Captain Mamum Darwish defects & joins FSA ... Allahu Akbar http://youtu.be/C8H--TZoifE

1:36 PM

Formaton of an EPIC brigade today 19 Feb called Sons oF Beni Khalid

Allahu Akbar

1:44 PM


Idlib: Jisr Shaghour: Bdama: Families flee from west suburb of Jisr Shaghour for fear of new military operation in area, prompting Assad army to besiege all villages near Turkish border & prevent residents of these villages from leaving & campaigns of random arrests at the checkpoints that besiege these villages

1:15 PM

Damascus: Mezze: Funeral of martyr Samer Khatib from Farouq Mosque after sec forced them to hold it at 6:30 am

1:17 PM


New videos from Bab Amr


This is where people lived until recently....




Breaking: Revolution Council to AJ: Assad 's security forces shot dead a Red Crescent medic in Bab Amr district

1:46 PM

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Regime stooge Sherif Shahada: "It's the cold that made people stay at home today, not the strike" It's been cold for months.

3:02 PM

Lattakia: The regime's forces and thugs (Shabeha) are raiding Bustan Al-Rehan area amid a random detention campaign of passersby

3:12 PM

Daraa Proper: Regime snipers continue to target residents water tanks fuel tanks and the windows of residences

3:12 PM


Reports that Hazem Matar, the brother of martyr Ghiyath Maar, died under torture in detention as well. Darayya Damascus

3:04 PM


“@MBAA: just spoke w/ @MulhamJundi 4m inside #Homs. They need doctors to help. $$$ to support people & internet. Let me know if u can help!”

3:33 PM


Rebel commander calls Syria's uprising "the orphan revolution," because unlike other Arab revolts...Syria's didn't get any outside support

4:48 PM


A member of the Syrian SNC, @mulhamjundi, has snuck into Homs and is tweeting from there. (h/t @BSyria)

5:34 PM


Dempsey says we can't intervene in Syria because Assad has too great of air defenses. Yet MSNBC says we have "many" US Drones in Syria?

5:47 PM


Syria SAM AA network analysis 2010 http://geimint.blogspot.com/2007/09/syrian-sam-network.html and SNC SAM

6:20 PM


Water- electricity- Fuel food not allowed into Zabdani residents are melting snow and store for drinking if siege continues

6:58 PM

Residents of the Christian neighborhood in Zabadani punished collectively by regime forces for joining the revolution

7:01 PM

Soon we will be facing a Humanitarian Crisis at multi levels- Calls for urgent basic needs from Homs Idlib Zabdani & Madaya

7:11 PM

Correction: 4 exiled SNC members has visited & @MulhamJundi is tweeting from the besieged city. [HOMS]

7:47 PM

---------- Post added February-19th-2012 at 08:20 PM ----------


U.S. military chief dubious about arming Syrian rebels

The United States is not interested in providing weapons to opposition forces in Syria until it has a better picture of what those forces are, the top U.S. military officer said in an interview aired Sunday.

"I think it's premature to take a decision to arm the opposition movement in Syria, because I would challenge anyone to clearly identify for me the opposition movement in Syria at this point," Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS."

Well I hope we're actually doing something to find out more and not just making excuses to not help.

This shouldn't keep us from providing aid for refugees outside Syria and at least seeing if we can find people to get aid inside. Although I have yet to see us say anything about it, if we are.

One thing is clear though, wasting time worrying about groups that have little influence or popularity in Syria while the people call for help from us, will not win us many friends.

And honestly, the Syrian opposition isn't much different than the opposition in Libya was.

Mainly it's defected soldiers and groups of regular people who have banded together to protect the protesters and residents of the different areas.

Now I will point out that the militias in Libya were a bit more unified after the early stages where everyone pretty much did their own thing.

And there were only 3-4 main groups by the end of it. AND Libya is having some problems controlling them at times now.

But I don't think the solution to those sorts of issues is to do nothing and allow more extreme elements to gain influence, while letting Syria go to hell.

Hopefully that isn't what we have in mind though. :)

By the way. I'm not suggesting we invade or occupy Syria.

I'm not really even too comfortable with the idea of us using airpower there.

I would however like to see more concrete results.

(it's frustrating seeing people all day long begging for help and asking why we aren't doing anything)


The most likely scenario for the U.S., DePetris said, is forming a “Friends of Syria” group, which Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will be discussing with representatives of more than 85 other nations later this week in Tunis.

“The creation of a contact group would bring dozens of countries together under the same umbrella, for the same purpose -- pushing Assad out of power and assisting Syrians who are being cornered by the regime’s security forces,” DePetris wrote.

The Syrian army resumed shelling residential districts of Homs yesterday, Al Jazeera reported, citing opposition groups. A fuel storage depot at the refinery in the besieged city was bombed overnight by “an armed terrorist group,” SANA said. Syrian forces stormed the city of al-Sokhna in the center of the country, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said yesterday in an e-mailed statement.

Security forces and armed men have been looting and destroying shops in the Al-Atarib town in the countryside of Aleppo, according to the Local Coordination Committee in Syria, a network of activists.

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Here's an article by a member of the SNC


A Plea For U.S. Intervention From a Syrian Activist

....Humanitarian aid is absolutely essential. The United States should help ensure the delivery of food and medical supplies to Syria’s most besieged communities. Currently, it is impossible for injured civilians in some areas to receive treatment, because there is often no consistent electricity to service our makeshift hospitals. In certain parts of the country, ordinary Syrians have been going without food—both because the availability of fresh food has plummeted due to the violence, and because people are increasingly unable to leave their homes for any reason at all.

Of course, the United States cannot simply enter a live conflict zone in order to distribute aid. That’s why, together with its allies in the Arab world, Washington should establish safe zones—designated areas of ceasefire, protected by armed peacekeepers, where Syrians can come to seek refuge. The ideal place to do this would be in Syria, along the Turkish border. Once they have been established, the United States should try to set up a limited no-fly zone over these designated safe areas....

....If the United States does successfully build a partnership with Syria’s democratic opposition right now, at its time of greatest need, it will have earned a steadfast regional ally for the long-term. Indeed, Syria’s political future, and its future alliances, are currently up for grabs. In that way, there are important strategic, as well as humanitarian, issues at stake. Washington ought to take the opportunity to build a bridge to the Syrian people and encourage their democratic inclinations.

What’s undeniable is that Syrian people are in desperate need of humanitarian aid as well as political and economic assistance. Assad has proven he will not relent, with the Interior Ministry vowing that it will continue to implement the “security solution” until every expression of resistance is eliminated. With Russia and China essentially giving the green light for Assad to continue his massacre, only an international coalition led by the United States can stop the regime’s violence. The hope for a democratic future in Syria currently hangs in the balance.

He brings up some interesting points in the article.

Although I would prefer us to get Turkey and the Arab countries to do any implementation inside Syria, if it's needed.

An good glance at the refugees in Lebanon


Syria refugees tell of civilian misery in besieged Homs

Here, on the northern frontier with Lebanon, the mountain border is relatively porous, but in recent days on the Syrian side fresh minefields have been laid.

There are also unconfirmed reports that Syrian troops have pursued fleeing refugees into Lebanon.

Conditions are also appalling at this time of the year. There is driving rain with snow at higher altitudes.

But still people take extraordinary risks. I watched a small group dashing across a river that demarcates this mountain border - carrying tiny amounts of food and medical aid into Syria.

I also spoke to a group of Syrian men - fighters with the Free Syrian Army (although it barely resembles a genuine fighting force and groups operate more as guerrilla units). With very basic weapons they cross over every few days to conduct raids on army bases and other targets.

Hundreds of refugees from across Syria - from Daraa, Homs, Hama and other cities - are now in the relatively safety of Lebanon.

I met a group of 11 families who have been given basic food and shelter in a Lebanese border village. Some have been here for months, other are recent arrivals.


Heavy shelling in BabaAmr in Homs now.

9:55 PM

****...are they starting early?

I hope that isn't a bad sign.

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Turkey is both capable and better positioned for a safe zone effort.

past time for them to step up

I agree.

They've had plenty of time to prepare for refugees and such.

The only question is if they have the will to do it.

I hope we're doing our best to persuade them.

(I do worry about Homs though which is rather far from Turkey.)


Homs: Summary of Events, Sunday, February 19, 2012


Reminder: This is the 17th day of shelling on BabAmr Homs. Just an FYI :)

10:31 PM

The people of Homs have been dying since 17 days & before of course. A massacre took place there. And what has the world done? NOTHING.

10:35 PM

17 days of suffering, why? Because they demanded freedom.

10:52 PM


A large anti regime protest in Amouda Syria . Population is mostly Kurds. The revolution grass roots r very diverse. http://youtu.be/1YUAIH1GHSY

11:03 PM




Head of Military court in Aleppo has defected along with soldiers from the Navy.

11:46 PM

12 minutes, 12 rockets. This is how it's going right now in BabAmr

12:33 AM

7:35AM: Shelling is VERY VERY heavy on BabAmr Homs, the sounds of shelling are scary. according to @MulhamJundi who's there now.

12:39 AM


17 hours 10 min ago

Syria sealed off its second border crossing with Jordan at Nassib-Jaber (Nassib in Syria, Jaber is in Jordan) on Thursday night/Friday morning.

Jordan did not seal off the border from its end. Syria had sealed off Daraa-Ramtha border crossing to travellers at the beginning of the uprising in April 2011 when it blamed Jordan for instigating unrest in Daraa, then reopened it a month and a half later for trade purposes only.

The latest border closure by Syria happened after a large number of Syrian refugees fled to Jordan at the end of last week.

Syrian refugees continue to cross into Jordan illegally through the border fence. Wanted and injured Syrians cannot go through official border crossings because they could be captured.

Jordanian troops receive the illegal Syrian refugees and have not sent anyof them back.

This means Syria has sealed off its second and last border crossing with its neighbour Jordan.

As of now, there are no open official border crossings between Jordan and Syria. [AJI]

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Intense fear for Syrians huddled in dark

CNN|Added on February 20, 2012

CNN's Arwa Damon and her crew find desperate, fearful Syrians clamoring to stay alive in a bunker in Homs.


The opposition Local Coordination Committees of Syria said at least 12 people had been killed across the country Monday, including seven in Homs. The group also said security forces fired tear gas at demonstrators around the university in the city of Aleppo.
In one rural village in the north, farmers, carpenters and university students are among the face of the opposition, according to CNN's Ivan Watson, one of the few reporters in Syria, whose government has placed strict restrictions on international journalists and refused many of them entry.

Watson said the men of village of Binnish describe themselves as members of the rebel Free Syria Army, "but it would be much more accurate to call them an impromptu village guard. Many of them are defending the olive groves that surround their community, with little more than hunting shotguns."

The rebel commander in Binnish -- who defected from the Syrian army six months ago -- said the men don't have enough guns or ammunition.


Jordan is setting up a refugee camp near its northern border with Syria, in preparation for what many fear may be a mass exodus of Syrians fleeing violence in their homeland, an official said Sunday.

Sami Halaseh, who oversees the project for the public works ministry, said the 323 square-foot (300 square-meter) area, located about 12 miles (20 kilometers) south of the border, is expected to be ready in two weeks after bathrooms and hangers for food distribution are installed. He said the project cost $1 million.

Water tanks and lighting have been installed in the area where the camp will be located in the mostly desert region. No tents have been erected nor are there any occupants at this time.

The camp will be monitored by a round-the-clock police guard. It’s the first camp to be set up for Syrians in Jordan since the uprising against President Bashar Assad’s regime began eleven months ago.

Aid officials estimate upwards of 10,000 Syrian refugees already live in Jordan, mostly in private apartments, guest houses or hosted by families. But they said the numbers are growing as the Syrian military escalates attacks on restive cities, such as Homs in the north and Daraa in the south.

The United Nations refugee agency has worked with the Jordanian government on preparations for the camp, which can house 1,000 family-size tents, according to the agency’s deputy chief in Amman, Arafat Jamal.

It's taken them long enough.

Syria just closed the border crossings between them anyway.

(although I guess some are still able to sneak through)

And here we have a totally different number.


The number of Syria'n refugees in Jordan has reached 78 Thousand according to an official source. Amman

9:57 AM


Horan, i.e. Dar’aa province, Summary of the Day, Sunday, February 19, 2012

A protest a couple of hours ago in Daraa



An entire battalion defects live in Idlib on Al Jazeera Mubasher http://www.elahmad.com/tv/aljazeera_mubasher.htm

7:59 AM

Idlib has seen thousands of defections in the past few months. This is one of the largest defections ever, hundreds of men.

8:02 AM

An entire well-equipped special forces battalion has just defected in Idlib. 2 entire battalions also defected last week in Idlib.

8:04 AM

Homs: Seven people were killed in the area of Baba Amr five of them from the continuous shelling and two were shot by snipers

8:43 AM

Aleppo: Atareb: A woman and child were shot by security members' gunfire and roaming the city's streets with a civilian car

8:43 AM]

Daraa: Namer: Regime’s forces arrest at least 50 persons including children and Christians and gun firing continues in the village

8:43 AM

Raqqa: Low-flying military planes have been flying over the city since early this morning for unknown reasons

9:58 AM

Idlib: Kafartekhrim: sec forces stormed the city backed by armored vehicles and tanks amid violent gunfire in the city

10:35 AM

Some results of this morning's shelling in Homs.





BabaAmr Activist Mohamad Orabi films the gym now rubble. http://fb.me/11o26KaMv


Ceasefires didn't work so well in Libya or in Zabadani.

Maybe it could work in Homs, to get the shelling to stop for a bit, as long as no troops or security forces are allowed to come in.


ICRC says it is negotiating cessation of fighting with all sides in Syria to bring aid to worst-hit areas

10:30 AM

"The ICRC is exploring possibilities for delivering urgently needed humanitarian aida including cessation of fighting," it said Syria

10:41 AM

ICRC only aid international agency with aid workers operating in Syria

10:43 AM

Tunisia says unlikely any Arab country will ask for military intervention in Syria and European countries don't want that either. Tunisia FM: "We don't want an Iraqi scenario... We have to preserve the integrity of Syria".

SNC will ask for humanitarian assistance and protection for Syria civilians during Friends of Syria conference in Tunisia. SNC will ask for support for FSA but it still deciding whether it will be "official request", sources tell me.

Tunisia says SNC and OTHER opposition groups will be represented at FriendsofSyria meeting in Tunis

11:19 AM

Live protest (Deir Azour)


The crowd is welcoming new defectors to the FSA and there is some celebratory gunfire in the background.

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Another live protest in Deir Azour


11 hours 41 min ago -

The Daily Telegraph has a story on the "shabiha", the violent gangs aiding security forces in the crackdown on dissidents.

"In neighbourhoods such as Moaddemiya, a rebellious suburb near the capital brutality meted out by the Shabiha has become a powerful source of fear.

"A video from there shows Shabiha, who are mostly recruited from the president's Alawite sect, standing above bloodied corpses. "Say Bashar al Assad and the Alawites will forever rule," said a man in the video, moving the jaw of the corpse with his shoe.

7 hours 34 min ago

Iranian state television reports that the crew of two Iranian warships, docked at Tartous port, will be training Syrian sailors.

"The two ships, one which is a supply vessel and the other a destroyer have docked in Tartus, a port city north west of Damascus, and as per a bilateral agreement they will be involved in training the Syrian navy," the report said. [AFP]

Or replacing them...;)

5 hours 33 min ago

Our sister channel has carried an interview with the commander of a brigade in Jabel al-Zawiyah, he says the massacres witnessed is what pushed him and his brigade to defect. [Al Jazeera Arabic]

3 hours 44 min ago

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) told Reuters on Monday that it was negotiating with Syrian authorities and opposition fighters on a "cessation of fighting" to bring life-saving aid to civilians hardest hit by the conflict.

Diplomatic sources told Reuters that the Geneva-based ICRC, the only international agency deploying aid workers in Syria, is seeking a two-hour cessation of hostilities in hotspots including Homs. [Reuters]

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I wonder if the US is using the threat of intervention in Syria as a way to increase leverage on Iran over nukes. Now that intervention is plausible (and the Iranian economy is reeling from sanctions) might be the best time for the US to bargain w/ Iran.

Maybe. If that's the case, then the US isn't doing a particualrly convincing job of it though, lol.

I haven't heard a single US official even imply that intervention in Syria was a good idea or on the table.

An interesting article from an arab point of view...although I'm not really sure what he's suggesting needs to be done. It doesn't really seem like he's offering a solution.


An apology to the Syrian people

We owe the Syrian people an apology for every day that they were slaughtered before our eyes during the past eleven months. The Arab people have let them down and have watched on from the side-lines as if the "the heart of Arabism" has become surrounded by Arabs with no hearts.

From Friday 3rd to Friday 10th February, 755 Syrians were killed, and since the beginning of the legendary intifada in the middle of March last year, the Assad regime has killed 8,000 people. 10,000 others have disappeared and Syria's prisons are filled with countless numbers. The only crime these people have committed is to demand dignity and freedom in their country, after nearly 45 years of tyranny and oppression.

During the past few months, we have seen nothing of Syria but a country steeped in the blood of its people. Its streets overflow with the funeral processions of victims, and its cities are threatened with devastation and destruction at the sound of voices demanding freedom. The only thing to be heard is the humming of missiles and bombers; the distress of those trapped demanding that the massacres stop, the shouts of those insisting on overthrowing the regime, and the advocates for any Arab or international intervention that would rein in the new Tartar (Huns) attacks.

In the case of Syria, things are more complex in light of the impossibility of international intervention, the impossibility of reconciliation between the people and the regime after all the blood that has been shed, the intractability of internal military action, and the fragility of Arab pressure.

This means three things; firstly, that the Syrian regime is still relatively coherent and can go on unless there is an unexpected surprise. Secondly, that in the current Arab and international climate, it seems that the Syrian people are destined to fight their own battle alone. And thirdly, that this battle will be extended, that the suffering of the people will continue and with that, the toll of sacrifices and pain will increase.

What to do then? My answer is that we should shout loudly saying no to the continuation of the massacres, and no to the intervention of NATO. In this regard, we have no choice but to realize that the collapse of the Assad regime stands between us and expecting an Arab solution that can apply pressure to stop the massacres and deliver authority to the Syrian people.

Until we hear the voice of the rest of the Arab peoples, particularly the people of Egypt, we must offer an apology to the Syrian people for letting them down and failing to declare solidarity with them. If they do not forgive us or accept our apologies, then they are excused. I am not authorized to offer an apology, but I offer it on behalf of myself feeling a high degree of sadness and shame.

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There have been worries of a massive ground assault for over a week now, but the new reinforcements do seem to add some weight to the concern now.

I still think they will wait for supplies and food to run out a bit more before attacking.


Syrian forces mass outside rebel stronghold


Associated Press

BEIRUT (AP) -- Syrian tanks and troops massed Monday outside the resistance stronghold of Homs for a possible ground assault that one activist warned could unleash a new round of fierce and bloody urban combat even as the Red Cross tried to broker a cease-fire to allow emergency aid in.

A flood of military reinforcements has been a prelude to previous offensives by President Bashar Assad's regime, which has tried to use its overwhelming firepower to crush an opposition that has been bolstered by defecting soldiers and hardened by 11 months of street battles.

Good article, worth reading the whole thing.

This is fairly similar to what other reporters who have been in Syria recently have said.

Although at least one of them came to a bit more negative conclusion about Syria's future.


Syria's rebels are not an al-Qaeda army


ArabLeague Sec Gen Nabil El Araby says there are 'indications of change' in position of China, Russia towards Syria's crisis

5:12 PM

Of course...I'm sure.

Are we going to play this game forever?

Both of CNN's reporters in Syria appear to have left the country now.


@arwaCNN says civilians in Syria are desperate to know how long they are going to have to try to survive the attacks. Her report at 8pm

5:45 PM


Back in Turkey. Arduous trip from Syria that killed my colleague Anthony Shadid. Imagine how hard for rebels smuggling in medicine/guns

2:53 PM


Thinking of all the amazing brave people I met inside homs syria still under shelling, scared & hungry & hoping against hope they R ok

7:19 AM

Protest in Homs Monday evening



Syrian security forces fire live ammunition at demonstration against President Assad in Damascus, activists say; 4 injured - @Reuters

5:54 PM


6 min 54 sec ago

Syrian security forces injured four youth on Monday when they fired live ammunition at a night demonstration against President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus, activists said.

"There were hundreds of demonstrators at the main square of Hajar al-Aswad and suddenly buses of security police and shabbiha (pro-Assad militia) turned up and started firing at the crowd.

The four were taken to be treated at homes," Abu Abdallah, one of the activists, told Reuters by phone from Hajar al-Aswad.

The neighbourhood, at the southern entrance of Damascus, is home to tens of thousands of refugees from the Israeli occupied Golan Heights. Palestinian refugees also live in the area. [Reuters]

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This kind of makes some sense, because people have wondered where all the refugees are.
There's probably a lot of them hiding in mountains and villages in Syria and in homes in Lebanon and Jordan. Possibly in Iraq as well.


Over 70,000 Syrians flee to Jordan as violence continues

Only around 4,000 register with UN agency

The number of Syrians who have fled to Jordan since the beginning of the crisis has surpassed 70,000, according to official sources, in the latest sign of the growing humanitarian impact of the ongoing violence north of the Kingdom’s border.

Over 78,000 Syrian nationals have crossed into Jordan since the launch of a military crackdown on peaceful protesters in March 2011, according to an official source, including 1,400 who crossed into the Kingdom “illegally” and 200 Syrians who returned to their home country.

Amidst the thousands of Syrians who have sought refuge in the Kingdom over the past year were 200 army defectors, including 10 senior officers, added the government source, which preferred to remain unnamed.

Despite witnessing a dramatic upswing in arrivals of Syrian nationals over the last year, Jordanian officials classify the vast majority as guests, stressing that the number of Syrians arriving in the country in need of financial and material assistance has not reached the level of a “refugee crisis”.

What's left to sanction, and why wasn't it being sanctions before?


EU likely to adopt further sanctions against Syria

“We will adopt further sanctions in Europe, and not just in Europe,” Westerwelle told Reuters in an interview on the sidelines of a meeting of foreign ministers from the Group of 20 economic powers in Los Cabos, Mexico.

“I believe sanctions will be tightened in the next week, because the violence is continuing,” he said, when asked whether Europe would adopt measures to blacklist Syria’s central bank.

Westerwelle declined to name specific sanctions under consideration, but a G20 official at the meeting, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the EU was on course to agree to measures to curb the central bank’s ability to operate.

EU diplomats said this month they were working on a new round of sanctions against Syria, which they hope to finalize by February 27. These would include a freeze on the Syrian central bank’s assets as well as on most transactions with it.

Russia UNSC ambassador revealed that his country will ask the council to facilitate sending humanitarian aid to Syria

Hmm. What are they up to?
Are they trying to make sure that the government controls any aid that gets in.
I do welcome their newfound endorsement of international 'interference' in Syria though, if it stays around. :silly:

Mahmoud Ramadan, brother of Ahmed Ramadan of SNC Exec. Bureau, assassinated in Aleppo. SNC accuses Asad regime.
7:29 PM

Homs remains under siege (1:15)

Syrian forces maintain their siege of opposition-held areas of Homs as China warns of civil war in the country. Nick Rowlands reports
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Protest in Damascus, Monday night.


An interesting look at the idea of foreign intervention, although I think he overplays the islamist angle.



SNC member in Homs RT @Homsae: High resolution pictures from Homs taken by @MulhamJundi who is there now https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151321735105173.819196.762055172&type=3&l=ab94fcd73d

11:03 PM

Here's a stunning picture from Homs http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151321780595173&set=a.10151321735105173.819196.762055172&type=3&l=ab94fcd73d&permPage=1

11:11 PM


People in Homs are freezing cold. Temperatures are approaching 0 celsius and there is no fuel to heat homes... if they have homes..

11:09 PM

It seems to me, that just as an artists painting is only worth it when he's dead, the world will not wake up until Syria & its people burn.

11:16 PM


BREAKING: Shelling has resumed on Homs according to an eye witness @MulhamJundi who's there right now. He's sure Martyrs will fall.

11:26 PM

BREAKING: More then 15 shells per minute are falling on Homs right now! via @MulhamJundi

11:36 PM

In 1 hour 200 rockets have fell on BabAmr, that's between 6:30AM to 7:30AM.


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