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Netflix Vs Hulu or Get Both?


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I have Netflix and now only have the streaming cause of the price increase. My question is, how good is the streaming for Hulu Plus? Im actually thinking about getting both, just because it would be cheaper than doing streaming Netflix and DVD one disc mail option.

So, what's you guys take on this?

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We canceled cable and the disc delivery portion of Netflix. Now we just use rabbit ears, Netflix and Hulu Plus. I actually enjoy watching TV more now than I did when we were paying obscene rates for cable.

I find that Hulu has all kinds of really random movies plus a satisfying array of TV shows, whereas Netflix is obviously better for movies and then does shows as a second-tier priority. Between them there's a hell of a lot to see.

I don't think I'd be content with just one of the two services.

Today on Hulu Plus we watched the series premiere of Whitney, which aired just yesterday. It convinced us that we will be missing nothing by never, ever watching Whitney again.

Also, unexpected bonus: the Antenna TV channel! We pick it up off the digital rabbit ears, hence the name, and it's hilarious. They have lots of 1950s-1970s TV shows and a handful of movies, with the occasional 80s or 90s program thrown in there in the evenings. I watched back-to-back episodes of Too Close For Comfort the other day. Didn't expect that. Some cable companies offer Antenna TV too, but I had never heard of it until we cut the cable. Good times. (Yes, they do air Good Times as well.)

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