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Okay folks - 'fess up. Which of you are responsible for this

K.O. Johnny

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The fact that this was started back in December of 2007 tells me that this was started by a Broncos fan. Apparently this person has nothing better to do with their life than follow one coach across the NFL and write about how much he dislikes the guy.

After 3 years, this douche bag still has more to say. My only comment would be, "get a life". The guy was fired by the Broncos two years ago, and a lot of good it's done them. Their most recent coach has also been fired because he was as inept, possibly worse, than Jim Zorn. Considering he wasn't even able to finish his 2nd season, though his records were nearly identical, says McDaniels was a huge mistake.

Sounds like the guy should figure out who the Broncos should hire, rather than worrying about some other team's head coach.

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