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BI: Stewart, Letterman And Brokaw Make Fun Of Recently-Fired Rick Sanchez


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Stewart, Letterman And Brokaw Make Fun Of Recently-Fired Rick Sanchez

Last week's biggest media news broke around 6 p.m. on Friday, when CNN announced it had fired Rick Sanchez following controversial remarks the anchor had made the previous day on Pete Dominick's Sirius radio show.

Sanchez, who is often ridiculed on Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show," called Stewart a bigot and then went onto to suggest that Jews "like Stewart" control the media.

Well, Stewart wasted no time in firing back at Sanchez, who he mocked Saturday night during Comedy Central's "Night Of Too Many Stars" at Manhattan's Theater.

Hollywood Reporter caught Stewart's remarks, as well as jabs from David Letterman and Tom Brokaw:

In talking about how people should donate for autism education, for which the show raises money, Stewart said: "If you went on radio and said the Jews control the media...you may want to hold on to your money]."

But if Sanchez was right about the Jews, Stewart also suggested, "All he has to do is apologize to us, and we'll hire him back."

The Sanchez topic came up again when Letterman made a surprise guest appearance. The late-night host told Stewart that he was just in the city "helping Rick Sanchez clean out his office."

Even Tom Brokaw got in on the fun in an appearance later in the evening in which he took a jab at Sanchez as well.

It will be interesting to see if the Sanchez bits make it into the final cut when "Night of Too Many Stars" airs Oct. 21 on Comedy Central.


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