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DMN: Taylor: Cowboys' mistake-filled opener shouldn't surprise anyone


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02:10 AM CDT on Monday, September 13, 2010


COLUMN By By JEAN-JACQUES TAYLOR / The Dallas Morning News

LANDOVER, Md. – Really, you couldn't have been shocked by the way the Cowboys lost their first game of the season.

It seemed so fitting.

Why wouldn't a listless offense that self-destructed during the first three quarters against Washington find a uniquely creative way to lose?

Alex Barron, acquired for first-round bust Bobby Carpenter in the off-season, showed the world why the St. Louis Rams willingly traded their starting left tackle.

On the game's final play, Barron put a chokehold on Brian Orakpo that would've made wrestling superstar John Cena proud, negating Tony Romo sits to pee's apparent 13-yard touchdown pass to Roy Williams.

It was Barron's third penalty.

While Marion Barber leaped on Williams' back, knocking him to the ground, and Miles Austin joined the celebration, Washington quarterback Donovan McNabb spotted the yellow hanky on the ground and thrust both arms in the air.

When the offense commits a penalty on the game's final play, it doesn't get a mulligan.

Game over.

Washington 13, Dallas 7.

Guess we'd better pump the brakes on the Super Bowl talk. We'd probably be better served trying to figure out who lied to us about the Cowboys' offense.

Offensive coordinator Jason Garrett . Wade Phillips. Tony Romo sits to pee. Even Jerry Jones. They're all suspects.

The Cowboys promised us a better, more efficient offense once the season started.

The players and coaches swore the stagnant unit we saw throughout the preseason was the result of basic game plans and poor execution by players who wouldn't be on the roster once the season started.

More than one member of the offense became indignant at any suggestion the offense wouldn't find a rhythm once the season began.

"This is just the preseason," they whined. "This doesn't mean anything."

Well, we're still waiting.

This offense didn't have one productive moment during the preseason, so it was silly to think that would change against Washington – and it didn't.

Scrap the pity party. There's no time. After next week's game against Chicago, Dallas plays quality teams in six of its next seven games.

The Cowboys' starting offense managed just one touchdown drive during the preseason – that one for 8 yards. On Sunday, it looked like that same raggedy unit.

Now, those of who you wave pompoms when you watch the games will blame the Cowboys' offensive struggles on the loss of left guard Kyle Kosier (knee) and right tackle Marc Colombo (knee). You might even say losing Dez Bryant for much of the preseason affected the unit's chemistry.


The reality is this unit makes way too many mistakes, whether we're talking assignment busts, penalties, poor execution or dumb play-calling.

The stats don't tell the whole story. They rarely do, though the Cowboys piled up enough numbers to make fantasy football owners happy.

Romo sits to pee passed for 282 yards and a touchdown, and Austin had a 146 yards receiving and a touchdown. Garrett, Romo sits to pee and Phillips will probably be espousing the virtues of a unit that totaled 380 yards and 24 first downs.

So what?

The game is about scoring touchdowns. The Cowboys finished second in the NFL in yards last season but only 14th in points.

The Cowboys had at least one negative play or penalty on eight of their 10 possessions. They committed five offensive penalties in the fourth quarter.

It's hard to win like that.

A 27-yard punt by Washington's Josh Bidwell, who should consider himself blessed if he's still employed today, set up a 34-yard touchdown drive, if you can call it that.

Romo sits to pee and the offense had the ball three times in the fourth quarter with an opportunity to take the lead.

Each time, they failed.


Now, they'll spend the week spouting rhetoric about why their raggedy offense will better in seven days against Chicago.

Don't believe them. This is going to take awhile.

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