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Aliens vs Predator game banned, will not be 'sanitised' for Australia

A POPULAR sci-fi horror game has been banned in Australia - and the developer refuses to "sanitise" it for a local release.

Aliens vs Predator, a video game based on the popular movie series, has been refused classification for containing high-impact violence, according to the Classifications Board.

"We will not be releasing a sanitised or cut down version for territories where adults are not considered by their governments to be able to make their own entertainment choices," the game's maker, Rebellion Developments, told gaming blog CVG.

Unlike other developed nations, Australia does not have an adult rating for games, which means that anything stronger than an MA15+ rating has to be refused classification.

There's a nice little earner for anyone with a contact in the video games industry. There's no ban on imported games, so get on board before the pirates move in.

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