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Utterly Disgusting


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This franchise is a joke. Sorry--I know some of you will jump up and down and say I'm not a true fan. But Dan Snyder has ruined this team. Every decision he has made has been disastrous. This season is over. There will be no playoffs. We're just not a good football team. So we will have a new coach next year, a new QB, who knows what else.

It's time to take back the team. I posted this last year and several people disagreed:


But it is now time to get rid of the owner. The only way to do that is to make the team not profitable. It is time to sabotage this team so that we can get Snyder out of Washington.

I'm sick over this team. I'm sick over mediocrity. I love the team but hate the owner. It's time for some real drastic action. Stop going to games, stop by jerseys, stop buying beer from the Danny. Drive this man out of business so we can get our team back.

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I agree. Pink slips should be flying like shrapnel this week. But it won't fix the problem, and we know it.

Hear this dan snyder. I'm one guy, but this is it. I will waste no more money on the Redskins this season, and unless your butt-buddy Vinny Cerrato (I am ashamed he is a fellow ISU grad) and his ilk are gone, for the rest of the time you own the team. You suck!!!!!!

If there is an organised boycott, count me in.

I can't even hold my head up anymore.

But you know? I have more in my life than your piece of crap organisation, Snyder. I have a beautiful family and a good career. I have the memories of three great super bowls, I have memories of good games, and favorite players that I will always love (Riggins, Green, Theisman, Byner...). If I was an evil man, I would wish physical harm on you, but I won't do that. I'll just say bye.

I will, however, pray daily that you lose a ton of money and are forced to sell the team.

No more NFL football for me this year, folks. I'm done.

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