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College Picks of the Week


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Hey guys,

I posted on here yesterday about my site


Well we added a new feature today, College picks with the spread.

Check it out


Just for fun...not for betting (little disclaimer there).

Anyway we will be doing this every week, and will have NFL picks tomorrow.

Have fun,


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Didn't really want to post this in Stadium...seems like alot of people get upset over there.

Anyway just a recap

WRM- Went 2-3 with games with spread this weekend. 3-2 Without the spread. I really rushed those projections, i'll do a better job this week.

Also, I posted that Zorn would open up the passing game, and Campbell would throw deep. I was proven correct.

Campbell threw the ball over 20 yards around 7 times in the game (Compared to 2 against the Giants, and one was the 17 yarder to Cooley for the touchdown). Used Shotgun more then against the Giants. Campbell had 35 attempts compared to 26 against the Giants.

The 7 is estimated, got it from ESPN, but I'll look back at the DVR and see if I can get a more concrete number. I hope people realize I am not trying to falsely post anything, as I am just trying to get some information out there.

Anyway, College picks will be up by Friday, NFL picks by Sunday. Acourse if I get any information i'll post.


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Let me be the first person not named sknsrbck26 to post in this thread.

And let me offer some insight...Dude, its been a week...doesn't look like anyone cares..Looks kinda sad that you are bumping your own thread so many times. I just felt bad and thought you would like some company in here. But quit pimping your site. Some around here will think its spam...

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Let me be the first person not named sknsrbck26 to post in this thread.

And let me offer some insight...Dude, its been a week...doesn't look like anyone cares..Looks kinda sad that you are bumping your own thread so many times. I just felt bad and thought you would like some company in here. But quit pimping your site. Some around here will think its spam...

Hey guys. Click my sig. :)


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Let me be the first person not named sknsrbck26 to post in this thread.

And let me offer some insight...Dude, its been a week...doesn't look like anyone cares..Looks kinda sad that you are bumping your own thread so many times. I just felt bad and thought you would like some company in here. But quit pimping your site. Some around here will think its spam...

Let me be the first too say, that I don't care what you say. You don't have to click, and it is really just a game for picking games. I think you guys take yourself way to seriously for being a poster on Extremeskins. It's not like I get paid if anyone visits the site.

Spam...hardly...i'm working on a deal with another forum, but thanks for your input that means this much to me....0.

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