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Where are you guys getting this?...


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I keep seeing all these posts talking about seeing Smoot and other players in the new uniforms...where are you finding these pictures? All I have seen is the one picture of D. Green holding the helmet that was in the Post. Can somebody please hook me up with some links or something...thanks.

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Go to the Redskins "Throwback" aricle on the new Uni's in Yahoo Sports website (NFL) and look for the picture of both of them in it. I believe that's the one. If not I will correct this post.<br /><br />Here it is: <a href="http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/gallery/20020206/1013041927redskins_new_uniform_sjb201.html" target="_blank">http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/gallery/20020206/1013041927redskins_new_uniform_sjb201.html</a><br /> <br /> <small>[ February 08, 2002, 04:53 AM: Message edited by: indyskinsfan ]</small>

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I'm still waiting to see the full uni on somebody. By that I mean pads, helmet, tape, etc. I also want to see what we look like storming the field en masse, all 53 guys breaking through a dry ice fog and fireworks and all ... and then see how we look at the line of scrimmage.<br /><br />To me, a team's uniform can only really be judged/appreciated in context; on the field, with another team lined up opposite, and/or in super slo-mo replays of Stephen Davis hitting it up inside on a 3rd and goal, and LaVar chasing some wayward QB towards the sideline.<br /><br />At first blush, I like the look, but I'm reserving judgement until at least August -- and the first time we unveil it in a game situation -- before giving my heart over to it. <br /><br />I'm also not sure I'm crazy about alternative uniforms (or more specifically, helmets) for home and away games. I'm not sure I've ever heard of that in any sport (that requires headgear, natch) other than in the retro season a few years back. I'll have to see about that ... <br /><br />Still, as of today, I'm thinking that since this thing is supposed to be for one year only, I'd rather have had us go with the retro look all year, and worn a white jersey under the new scheme and helmet. I don't like that we may never get to see the retro look with white jerseys. In my mind's eye, it's righteous ...<br /><br />Prediction: we'll see it down the road. I think this thing is going to take off, and over the next couple of years, with tweaks here and there, it will become a permanent change.<br /> <br /> <small>[ February 08, 2002, 09:11 AM: Message edited by: Om ]</small>

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What shame you guys are Geographically Challenged.<br /><br />The last two days on NBC 4 here in DC they showed Smoot and Gardner in the full gear and I had to hear tight bun references (yuck) from my other half who got mad when I said jokingly yours won't be tight for long time.<br /><br />The lighting on NBC 4 has the retro unis looking great.<br /><br />Comcast Sportsnet will probably show them on their week in review show

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I'm actually a local, Dave, but I was outta town on business Tues and Weds and missed the durn coverage. Did the NBC segment have them dressed out in pads & helmets? If so I'm bummed.<br /><br />By the way ... my travel was to Columbia, SC, home of the fighting ****s of USC. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> <br /><br />At the airport down there on Thurs. morning, I ran across none other than George Rogers waiting for a flight at the same gate as I was. He's doing recruiting work for Lou Holtz. He looked huge, I'd say easily packing 260-70. No more RB days for brother George; he's looking more like a sveltish nose tackle these days. <br /><br />He was having a conversation with some schmuck who was gladhanding him, and while he was cordial he was quite clearly (to everyone but the aforementioned schmuck) not interested in another schmuck trying to gladhand him, so I just eavesdropped. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> <br /><br />He likes the WR signings they got for this year, and was reading a local sports page that had an article about the lead guy. Didn't catch the name, but I get the sense we're still talking B level recruits. Nobody from the Top 100 lists, I don't think.<br /><br />His son has been offered a full ride to SC, too, but is concerned that it's only becuase of Daddy. George's take: don't be a fool, kid. A $25K scholarship is not something they give you because you're a legacy. Take it. <br /><br />He loves Lou. Why not? Put SC back on the map ... keeps George employed. What's not to like?<br /><br />I contemplated interrupting to ask about his feelings on SS and the Skins ... but whilst I was deciding whether to just leave the man alone, or say "screw it I'll just be a schmuck" and stick out a hand, they called my flight and that was that.<br /><br />Anyway ... George looks plump and happy. Didn't look bitter at all about Timmy Smith. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="cool.gif" />

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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by Om:<br /><strong><br />Anyway ... George looks plump and happy. Didn't look bitter at all about Timmy Smith. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="cool.gif" /> </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">can i ask you a question ????...what would he be bitter about Timmy Smith for????<br />are you talking about the Superbowl record holding Timmy???<br />i feel lost....

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Timmy Smith was not even announced as the starter in the Super Bowl until like 30 minutes prior to kickoff. Heading into that Sunday, my guess is that George Rogers thought his date with fame and destiny was at hand. <br /><br />If memory serves, the intelligence we'd had all week was that Rogers would start ... and it made sense -- he'd been the starter all year. Gibbs' stated reasons (after the fact) for not announcing it earlier was that he didn't want the rookie's head to spin too much.<br /><br />Well, at Roger's expense ... it worked. <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> <br /><br />I've always wondered, though, what old George really felt about that. He had been our stud (Gerald Riggs' injuries kept him from being much of a factor) for the better part of 2-3 years (someone help me out with stats if I'm wrong here), and was the back everyone associated with our success heading into that game. <br /><br />Once Timmy blew up in the Super Bowl, though, Rogers became an afterthought very quickly. I know he had had some nagging injury problems that led to Timmy getting some playing time in the playoffs heading up to SB Sunday, but I remember being thoroughly stunned when the kid got the nod to start. I haven't watched the tape in a while, but I also recall Al Michaels and Dan Dierdorf expressing genuine shock (all right, surprise) as well.<br /><br />Long explanation. Sorry about that.<br /> <br /> <small>[ February 08, 2002, 02:28 PM: Message edited by: Om ]</small>

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