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Some HC statistics just heard on CSPAN


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1) I agree with this, however, government is not the answer. People need to be more self reliant and take responsibility for their actions. If you don't get your education and have a crappy job, its not the governments job to make you successful. You deserve what you work for. Not everyone can be successful in life.

2) I am fine if the government wanted to actually address the true reasons why health care was so expensive. I would be all for healthcare being affordable. However, I am completly against the government providing health care to people at the tax payer expense. I am also against the government regulating income on executives who are working in the private sector. If the government makes rules to make companies compete with each other for providing a quality service at a low price, I am ok with that. Make then compete, but don't compete with them with the tax payer wallet.

3) The privledge has been granted. You can get affordable healthcare. You just have to put in the work to get a good job with benifits.

And if you lose your job and happen to get sick, you should not have to sell your house to stay alive. We as society simply cannot afford having this sort of thing happen to this many people.

Neither can we afford having our small businesses deal with situation they find themselves in (see my earlier post about Rep. Hoyer's conference call).

Many of your concerns are valid, and they need to be kept in mind and properly addressed. What I disagree with is the fundamental notion that government should have no role in regulating the marketplace. In order to remain competitive we simply cannot have people getting raped by corporations like that.

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Huh? It means it should help in 62% of all bankruptcies. There's no other way to read it.

62% of all bankruptcies are due to medical issues

80% of the bankruptcies due to medical issues involve people with health insurance

49.6% of all bankruptcies are due to medical issues involving people WITH health insurance

How does the simple act of insuring everyone prevent bankruptcy? How would it help in 62% of bankruptcies if 80% of those people already had insurance?

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Neither is clean water, reliable drugs, or food that won't kill you. But the world is certainly a better place because the government stepped in and regulated those and many other givens in our society.

And yet in the efforts to ensure those things, they never created publicly financed entities to compete. They regulated. It isn't the attempt to fix the industry that has people up in arms. Its allowing the government more say in our lives then it ought have. It's the outlandishly insane idea the the government can run an efficient cost saving business. It's as if the supporters of a public plan are completely blind to the inefficiencies built into the government. How anyone can believe it can run a healthcare business is beyond me. It will be so mired in cost overruns and missed buget projections that the quality of care will decline due to lack of funds. Or it will completely bankrupt the country, assuming it doesn't go bankrupt for a myriad of other pressing issues.

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And yet in the efforts to ensure those things, they never created publicly financed entities to compete. They regulated. It isn't the attempt to fix the industry that has people up in arms. Its allowing the government more say in our lives then it ought have. It's the outlandishly insane idea the the government can run an efficient cost saving business. It's as if the supporters of a public plan are completely blind to the inefficiencies built into the government. How anyone can believe it can run a healthcare business is beyond me. It will be so mired in cost overruns and missed buget projections that the quality of care will decline due to lack of funds. Or it will completely bankrupt the country, assuming it doesn't go bankrupt for a myriad of other pressing issues.

Current state of affairs makes mandating universal coverage unworkable, unless accompanied by other reforms.

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