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ESPN: Robbins says he's looking to his future


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Former Oakland Raiders center Barret Robbins is in a halfway house following court-mandated drug rehabilitation and said in an interview with Fox 26 in Houston he's finally "sick and tired of being sick and tired."

Robbins disappeared from the Raiders two days before Super Bowl XXXVII in 2003, and said he now blames himself for the team's 48-21 loss to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Robbins said he was responsible for the pass-protection calls and also was key for the Raiders' running attack.

"It's a hard thing to look back on because it was such a hard thing to overcome," Robbins said in the interview.

"It was such a hard thing to forgive myself for. As much as you want to do it, forgive yourself that is, it's the hardest thing in the world to do.

"I felt that if I had played that game, we had a lot better chance to win. I felt we would have been able to win that game. It was an extremely exhausting event and put me down as far as I probably ever had to go at that point in my life."

Robbins regained his spot in the starting lineup the next season after undergoing treatment at an alcohol rehabilitation center, but it was a short honeymoon. The Raiders released Robbins in 2004 after he tested positive for steroids.


That super bowl was here in SD and I remember he just went off the deep end suddenly. If I remember correctly they found him in TJ too. Good to see he is trying to get help for himself though..

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