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DNA finger pointed to killer's ancestry


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This is pretty amazing. I wonder how long before they will be able to develop a composite picture of you with just DNA.

"Authorities hunting the Louisiana serial killer started focusing on black men after a DNA test indicated the killer's ancestry, the company that did the test said Wednesday. It was apparently the first such use of a test in a criminal investigation.

A DNA sample was found to have come from "an African-American individual of average skin tone for the African-American group," said Tony Frudakis, chief scientific officer of DNAPrint Genomics Inc. of Sarasota.

Derrick Todd Lee, who was arrested May 27 in the serial killings of five Louisiana women, is black. Police say a sample of his DNA was taken as part of an investigation of some seemingly unrelated cases, and then linked to the serial killings.

A spokeswoman for the task force that investigated the serial killings confirmed Wednesday that its investigators worked with DNAPrint Genomics but declined to comment further.

Authorities were initially looking for a white man based on a psychological profile and witness accounts.

Frudakis said his company's test result led investigators to pay more attention to leads involving blacks than to other leads, and "that is why the case was solved two months after we ran the test for them" in March.

Frudakis said the test indicated that the ancestry of whoever left the DNA sample from the serial killer investigation was 85 percent sub-Saharan African and 15 percent Native American. From that mix, the company was able to estimate the individual's skin tone."


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