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I'm pretty zen about the draft


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for my money, while it's fun and exciting, the draft process is an overrated crap-shoot and with the information available on the net, the common fan has as good of a chance as drafting a successful class as the GM's with all their scouts and tape... if you dissect any team's draft, you'll find they are pretty much all on the same level as far as hit or miss...

the good teams, in my opinion, know how to evaluate and identify free agents that will fit their scheme, what their value is, and what players on their roster to keep or let go... they also consistently enter a draft with adequate picks to replenish their roster with young talent... the skins fail the most not in the draft, but in the FA market and with the ability to evaluate talent for their schemes and what they should and should not depart with to obtain that talent...

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i've adopted a new mentality about the draft this year. since there is basically no way to predict who we are getting, i'm just gunna support whatever we actually end up doing. regardless of whether or not the pick makes sense, whoever we get is gunna be a redskin, and therefore deserves some love.

also, forgive me if this post is riddled with grammatical errors, i'm more or less brain dead from exhaustion

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