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Positve or Negative Draft?

The Rook

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Not real sure how this will translate without the money payoff. My friends and I have a draft pool with a selected team where we pick how a team will end up after their first two draft picks. Yes - people will bet on anything.

This is the first year where the Skins are the team of selection because of their draft position and the relentless rumors.

Here is how it is played:

The Skins first two picks are the 13th and the 80th (Round 5 = 150). Total = 93.


So, on draft day, will the Skins’ first two picks position add up to more or less than 93? It does not matter if they trade away future picks, just are their positions of the first two picks higher (positive) or lower (negative).

For example, we trade JC, Vinny, Buges, the 13th, the 80th and next years 1st to Seattle for the number 4 positon to get Sanchez. And keep our 5th. Total number is 154 and we are plus 61. Or we trade the 13th to Philly for #21 and #53 (Total 74 - minus 19)

It is not a value of personnel or did we give too much, just an over/under selection.

If no trades were made - the game is moot. But, even if we keep 13 and 80, I feel we will be picking in the second round (bye-bye 2010 first round).

Now here is the tie breaker, what team was the first team to trade with the Skins?

So, here is my bet - our draft total for our first two picks is minus 12. The first team we trade with is New England.

Your turn.

:helmet: The Rook

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