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Cowboys front runners in biggest joke of the league contest


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I hope this wasnt already posted please close if it was. I found this too funny not to want to share.

Dallas Cowboys Will Use Michael Irvin Reality Show to Fill Roster. Seriously

Posted Jan 22nd 2009 9:00 PM by Stephanie Stradley (author feed)

Filed Under: Cowboys, NFC East, NFL Fans, NFL Media Watch

The best humor is truthful and writes itself.

So, in the latest Dallas Cowboys circus news, Michael Irvin will be hosting a reality TV show this offseason that picks the last spot in Cowboys training camp. The producers behind the show "The Biggest Loser" are developing it.

No details have been released on what they will make contestants do. I was going wonder whether a criminal record was required, but things have been so embarrassing for Dallas fans of late, I feel like that is piling on.

I guess Jerry Jones figured that last year's HBO show, "Hard Knocks" -- which followed the team during training camp -- wasn't distracting enough. No, they need to turn their camp into a bigger joke. Given that this is *reality* programming, they will be getting Heartbreaking Story Guy, and Flashy Personality Guy, and Bad Attitude Guy, etc competing for that final spot. Making It Rain Guy likely won't make the cut.

This must be reason number 5,345,598 why Bill Parcells had to get away from the Cowboys. A winning team needs a coach with clear authority and disciplined players with leadership skills. Dallas has neither. Nobody respects the coaches, and try naming any leader on this Cowboys team. This team is chaos and ridiculousness and will continue to be as long Jerry Jones continues to put marketing and his ego above putting a quality product on the field.

In the history of the league, plenty of good players have come from the bottom of training camp rosters. It's hard to imagine that the reality show process is the best way to take up one of those 80 spots.

Back in the day, whether you loved or hated the Cowboys, you respected their accomplishments. Lately, the Cowboy news has devolved into a daily "Kick Me" sign for their fanbase. But I guess in Jerrah's world, any news is good news.

All that being said, I am totally rooting for FanHouse's Matt Snyder to make the team.


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