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My season review

Englands Team

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Ive done this before week 17 has been played so bear with me. This is my view of this season.

AFC East

Miami Dolphins. What a turnaround. From ineptitude to having a divisonal title in their own hands. Pennington has been great managing this team. The reinvention of the wildcat offence has also give this team an identity. With the aquisition of no stars on a poor team they have totally overachieved. great season. Play offs beyond most fans wildest dreams.

New England Patriots. Have offencively overcome the loss of Brady and Maroney and are really firing towards the end of the season. Have struggled defensively with injuries too. I think they have got old on defence and that has hurt them. if they make the play offs noone will want to play them. Playing their best ball of the year.

New York Jets. not sure what to make of them. Has the Favre experiment worked, only if they beat Miami. Would Pennington have performed better, quite possibly, I just dont think he had a big enough persona for the big apple. May make the play offs but will not go deep.

Buffalo Bills. started great again, then became average again. Coach may be looking for a new job.

Pittsburgh Steelers. Great defence and a very serviceable Offence. Very talented team playing very well. Possible Superbowl Champs, but I don't think so. I don't know why I just think they will fall.

Baltimore Ravens. Rookie head coach, Rookie QB. No Chance. Hang on good OL, Great defence. Every chance. Flacco has exceeded expectations and performed very well. Will be a danger to any opponent in the play offs.

Cleveland Browns. They have proved why you don't invest to heavily in a QB off one good season. Last season they overperformed. This season under performed. This team shold be looking to make the play offs. Being shut out by the bengals probably confirmed that Crennell will go. Hopefully he will trad quinn to us before he goes for a 7th round pick.

Cinicinatti Bengals. Were the bungels for a change. Not many highlights for them but beating the Redskins probably was the end of our season.

Tennessee Titans. These remins me of the Ravens when Dilfer lead them to a Superbowl win. I just think they have had a couple of injuries late in the year that will affect their mojo in the play offs. Great year for a very weel coached team. we must also remember that fisher has had some very bad years with this team. Patience pays dividends.

Indianapolis Colts. Have very quietly turned their season around and are performing very well when it counts. I turn on the tv and se more about Tony Romos latest injury or terell Owens latest tantrum than about this entire team. I have these as favourites from the AFC.

Houston Texans. When they get it right they will in a major way. They are turning it around and have a great defensive player in Williams. Havent seen enough of them tocomment to much.

Jacksonville Jaguars. All set for a superbowl push this year and have bombed badly. Del Rio should be given another year as they have been competative, they have not had the breaks, it can happen like that. Not sure if Gerard is the lng term answer. Fred Taylor has been fantastice for them but probably needs replacing now.

Denver Broncos. Cutler is a good young QB but he makes too many errors,they are backing towards the playoffs and getting in my embarrass them.

San Diego Chargers. Has put this in the hands of Rivers and he has responded. I rate Rivers highly and the Chargers are my dark horses in the AFC if they make the play offs.

Oakland Raiders. They are in my 3 most hated teams after the Moogirls and egirls. A franchise in turmoil. Good.

Kansas City Chiefs. on paper always going to have a bad year and on the field went and had it. Will be interesting to see if they keep patience with Herm Edwards. I think the play of Thigpen has been a bonus and he has put up some good numbers.

New york Giants. I am full of admiration for the way this franchise is built. it starts with stellar offensive and defensive lines. the rest of the team basks in their glow. Add in a monster running back in Jacobs with two other capable relivers. A good QB with decent recievers. Ball control all the way. Should win the Superbowl again but wont.

Dallas Cowboys. On paper should have won the Superbowl by now. Problem for them is they dont just have a star on their helmets they all have a star inside them as well. Locker room dysfunction and Romos late season play should keep them from the big one. Please. iIf they get it together they will be unstoppable.

Philadelphia Eagles. One minute they soar, then they dive. dont think they will make the play offs. They are too reliant on westbrook and McNabb. defence under johnson is good but not dominant.

Washington Redskins. MMM great start but poor finish. injuries and inconsistent line play have ended the season prematurely. Aswell as losses to the Rams and Bengals. Zorn shoul be given an opportunity to build his team and coach it.

Chicago Bears. Good running game, good defence underperming due to lack of prodiction from quaterback. Given an average QB this team could be a serious threat.

Minnesota Vikings. Please see Bears.

Green Bay Packers. Somehow with all that talent have managed to lose 10 games. You could blameAaron Rodgers but shouldn't as he has performed well. Grant has not had the same impact and defence has been lacking. Fully expect a bounce back next year.

Detroit Lions. LOL

Carolina Panthers. I think they will represent the NFC. I know they lst tothe giants but they are capable of beating them. Great running game and a good defence, well coached to.

Atlanta Falcons. The dolphins of the NFC. Can Matt Ryan do it at Pro Level. Just a lot. He is going to give them far more success than Vick as this guy can actually throw the ball. Falcons are a great story but I cant see them getting past round one. A rookie head coach and a rookie QB. This is still a great season for them.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers. No real stars on offence and a defence that is aging and appears to have worn down late on in the year. Will be relieved taht their record as worst team ever has gone.

New Orleans Saints. So much talent offensively with a defense that struggles. I love to watch the Saints as you are going to see plenty of points. this is nearly fully grown arena football. Disappointing season for the saints, could probably do with a big runner as mcAllister is getting old and expensive.

Arizona Cardinals. Have the holy trinity of Warner, Boldin and Fitzgerald and not much else. They are in the playoffs purely because they play in a avery poor division. They finish bottom of the east and south and struggle in the north.

San fransisco 49ers. are improving under Singletary. Another team looking for a consistent QB. Have the basic building bloks in plac for a quick turnaround.

Seattle Seahawks. Homgren era ended disappoiningly, from playoff team to 4 win team with largely same team shouldnt happen. maybe big Mike saw the writing on the wall and timed retirement perfectly.

St Louis Rams. Greatest show on turf has fell from grace. Plenty of work needed on both sides of the ball.

I think the Superbowl will be contested between the Indianapolis Colts and Carolina Panthers.

I would love to see the San Diego Chargers and the Atlanta Falcons.

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