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Non-inflammatory ? for Cowboy fans...


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This is not a flame or an our owner is better than your owner statement.

It just seems that Campo is a mere puppet there in Dallas. Is this the case? What's the word on that?

If the answer is yes, does it bother the players? You fans?

It just seems so obvious that I almost feel sorry for Campo...

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Originally posted by SonnyJ:

This is not a flame or an our owner is better than your owner statement.

It just seems that Campo is a mere puppet there in Dallas. Is this the case? What's the word on that?

If the answer is yes, does it bother the players? You fans?

It just seems so obvious that I almost feel sorry for Campo...

Sonny, there is a split among Cowboy fans on this subject.

Jones was quoted earlier this year saying that he calls the shots on all personnel issues. For the most part, I think that's true. I believe he is deciding on who starts at quarterback this year. He has the final say on draft choices, often times overruling the scouting department. Campo probably makes decisions on most of the other starting positions, but the QB shots are called by Jones.

Also, Jones has the say on the coaching staff. I'm sure Campo has some input on assistants, but again, Jones has final say.

It's hard to say how the players react to this. Publicly at least, you won't hear any of them say anything bad about Campo. They seem to like him and respect him. They seem to like Jones, too (except for possibly Jesse Solomon and Tony Banks).

Like I said, it bothers some of the fans, but not all of them. Jones argues that he's the GM and this is what GMs of other teams do. But those of us who feel uncomfortable with Jones' setup would argue that Jones appointed himself as GM and that he doesn't have the track record to qualify for such a job. If Jones was just a guy and not an owner of a team, he would never even get a whiff of a GM job, much less an interview.

Most fans like him as an owner because of his hunger and drive to win and improve. The problem as I see it is he has trouble putting his ego aside.

Jones is a good business man and has been known to hit big, hitting gusher after gusher as a gas driller and then racking up three Lombardi trophies as an NFL owner. We're just hoping that his drive and his good business sense somehow overtake his recent bumbling as a football GM.

Fortunes can change in a hurry in the NFL, as you guys well know. 0-5 can quickly become 5-5. Jones has some flaws and he's down now, but I wouldn't bet against him or Dallas coming back strong in the future.

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The initial instinct answer for that question is a resounding yes.

But I don't think it's quite that simple.

There have been issues this season, such as the release of Banks, that clearly had Jerry's fingerprints all over them -- which rightfully so brings into question Campo's true authority. Of course, Jerry explains it by saying it was a personnel decision, which is the job of the GM.

But, Campo has made some statements this season -- such as suggesting that Emmitt could retire and give us our cap space back if he is unhappy with the situation in Dallas -- that the typical "puppet" wouldn't make. And Jerry has only said but positive things about Emmitt and his future with this team.

Campo seems to have true authority with an "asterisk" next to it, if that makes any sense.

From what I've seen, Campo goes about his business as any "real" coach would, but with the weariness that Jerry can overrule him if he so desires. And, obviously, that's not an ideal situation.

The good thing about these two gentlemen is that they seem to work well together. Campo knows what to expect from Jerry considering he's been working with him for so long. And he shares many of the philosophies as well. It's not like when Chan was here, and he had his own believes, and Jerry and the players (Troy, Michael, etc) had theirs.

The players don't seem to mind Jerry's interference like you might think. Or, if it is a problem, it's never really come up on or off the field in any discerning manner. Surprisingly, they work their butts off for Campo. Campo's in-game decisions have been put in question, but the one thing no one questions is that he has his team trying their hardest, has them motivated, and has them believing in what he's trying to do. If he says something, they unquestioningly do it. Perhaps it's due to their youth in this league. I'm not sure. But Campo really has the players' respect on this squad.

I think all us Cowboys fans just wish Jerry would take a step back, but it's not happening. So, we gotta try to make the best of the situation are we in.

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Thanks for the response, guys.

I gotta admit that I hope JJ stays heavily involved, because his track record ain't too hot.

I'll also say that the Cowboys unquestionably play balls out all the time, and that is definitely a reflection of the coach.

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Well, I happen to know a lot of Cowboys fans (as that I live in Texas) and I don't know one of them who likes Jerry Jones or Campo as a head coach. Jerrah has screwed this team and will continue to do so each draft. My friends don't even take consolation in a high draft pick anymore. Even if they pick 2nd, the general feeling is that Jerrah is going to wing it on some project defensive end from Idaho A&M.

And I'd be happier about this, but the fact is that the Pokes have owned us for longer than I care to remember. No matter how sucky or one-sided this team is, we haven't found a way to put them in their place.

But this game is the turn-around. I can feel it.


Kizer Jose

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